Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Marvelous Flowers Of The Humid Tropics of the Amazon That Will Stun You

By Dr. Vreugdenhil

The warm humid conditions of the tropical jungle provide very favorable conditions for plants. As a result, one finds a lot more species in the tropics when compared to the temperate climates. Currently more than 400,000 species of plants are known for the Amazon tropical jungle and scientists are still discovering new species every single day.

Competition at ground level for light and minerals has resulted in the development of plants which live on high up in the trees. Epiphytes grow on the branches, trunks, as well as the leaves of trees. The name 'Ephiphyte' originates from the Greek word 'epi' meaning 'upon' and 'phyton' meaning 'plant'. Different types of Ephiphytes may grow on the same tree, including Orchids, Cacti, Bromeliads, Aroids, lichens, mosses and ferns.

While almost all of the 2000 Bromeliad species are Epiphytes growing on trunks, branches as well as other plants, some species also grow on the ground or on rocks. Some of them form little cavities where the leaves wrap around the stems. These collect rainwater, and in some cases a single plant may contain up to several liters of water. Since these tiny pools are beyond the reach of fishes, they provide save conditions quite a few aquatic animals, such as amphibians with their larvae, snails, mosquito larvae, etc. Obviously a part of those animals die and as they decompose, they supply nutrients that may be absorbed by the host plant. It's not surprising that with colors like purple, blue, orange and red, Bromeliads are cultivated to be sold as ornamentals. The best-known representative of course is the Pine Apple.

Another group of plants, the vines, has solved the problem of the darkness on the forest floor by emerging towards the canopies of the trees because they grow rapidly along the tree trunks. Ninety per cent of the world's vine species grow in Amazon tropical jungle. Lianas are a form of climbing vine found throughout tropical rainforests. They have got thick, woody stems and come in a variety of lengths (as many as 1,000 m). They depend on trees for support as they climb upwards towards the sunlight they need to live. They do this by attaching themselves to trees with sucker roots or tendrils while climbing or winding themselves around the tree's trunk.

A special group of vines is commonly referred to as Strangler Figs. They completely grow around their host tree, wrapping it with their own new tree trunk, and in the end they strangle it by depriving its crown of light and the trunk of expansion space. After it dies, the dead trunks rots away leaving a hollow space which may be used by animals for shelter.

The greatest group of flowering plants is formed by the Orchids. More than 20,000 species are already known from the humid tropics, where their most frequent life form consist of Epiphytes. Orchids are getting to be more and more popular as ornamental flowers as they last a lot longer than most traditional decorative flowers.

Known under different names like wild plantain, lobster-claw and false bird-of-paradise flowers, Heliconias too have shapes and colors that make them particularly fashionable as decorative flowers. Some have flowers which are shaped in a way, that just very specific birds and/or moths can reach their nectar and pollen.

The rainforests with the greatest biodiversity on the planet are in Ecuador. Its Cuyabeno Park hosts incredibly nice Epiphyte forests. Cuyabeno is mentioned as the world's most convenient park to explore the Amazon Rainforest on earth for seeing both birds and mammals and plants.

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