Friday, August 30, 2013

A Guide To Choosing The Best Mole Trap

By Amanda Baird

Moles may look cute in story books but they can be very irritating in real life! They can cause a lot of destruction in a garden. Therefore in order to keep your garden looking neat it is important to find the best mole trap to keep them away and deter any more from invading.

The first thing to consider before you choose a product is using it in an effective way. It is very rare that one will work as soon as you put it down. The reason for that is when you put it down the scent can be detected by the animal and they will know to avoid it. Therefore do not get disheartened if it does not work immediately.

In a lot of cases you may not immediately get results. This is not because a product is ineffective. The reason for this is that often you need to get the trap set up in the outdoor environment so it becomes more set in and freed of the scent of the human setting up. The mole knows to avoid this!

One of the most widely used is the duffus half barrel. It is a lightweight option and is the one that can be used in both dry and wet conditions. The disadvantage is that there are some cheaper versions of the half barrel and are more likely to break and fill with soil so you need to check for the best brands that come with a guarantee.

There are also versions that can be used to imitate their runs and therefore lure them in. This is why they are often referred to as a mock run due to the fact that they are a mock version of the tunnels they are used to. The dual loop of this model allows you to catch both smaller and larger moles so you do not have to worry about purchasing different types to cover all the different possibilities.

Another variety that is often used and the type people often think of when think of mole traps is the scissor or pincher style. As the name suggests this is one that uses a spring in order to spring onto the mole. However if the spring is not of the best quality this can take a long time to kill the mole. Therefore this is not the ideal option if you want a humane option. However if you want a relatively simple one to set this is the most convenient option, especially if it has a chain.

In simple terms this means checking to see where you are ordering from. While it is possible to save money used cheaper imported brands these will be of an inferior quality. Ideally you want a company with a proven track record, preferably one that has been used by the professionals!

There are various companies you can buy these items from. It is best to check their record and to look for reviews from other customers. This will make it easier to gauge the effectiveness of their products. Ideally the best mole trap will come with a guarantee so that you can be sure that you are getting the best possible quality.

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