Sunday, August 18, 2013

Information On Two Way VHF Radios

By Bernice Terry

The type of radio capable of receiving and transmitting can be referred to as two way VHF radios. They are notably different compared to the broadcast receivers whose capacity is limited to receiving content. In this case the operator can have conversations with others that are on similar devices being operated on virtually the same frequency.

There are multiple variations of these devices available. There are mobile forms along with the stationary base as well as the hand held portable ones. The hand held versions are referred to using several names unique to it, and this includes handie talkies or the more popular walkie talkies.

These systems operate in a half duplex mode where the operator can talk and he or she can listen, but never simultaneously. Usually, a button is pressed in order to activate the transmitter. Upon its release the receiver becomes active. A mobile phone is a notable example wherein it both receives and transmits at the exact same time. That situation is referred to as a full duplex mode.

As far as the full duplex is concerned, there exists two different frequencies to be utilized. The purpose is to carry on two directions at the same time and to make sure the conversation is occurring as smoothly as it can go. This is on the rise a few years back and is now very common.

As far as its history is concerned, two way telegraphy traffic was already commercially available across the Atlantic Ocean by the year 1907. By 1912, transmitters and receivers were being carried by both commercial and military ships. It allowed for communication between ships that were not within their respective sights.

Senior Constable Frederick William Downie, a man from the Victorian Police, was the one to develop the first mobile version. It was innovated in Australia, meaning the Victorian police utilized wireless communication well before everybody else in the world. This became the standard form of reporting statuses, effectively replacing every other method that came before it.

Depending on individual attributes, there are several types out there. An example is the conventional variation, which is capable of operating on RF channels that are fixed. They can operate one channel only at a particular time, even with multiple channels around to choose from. The user is the one who can select the proper channel.

Another would be the trunked system. It has the capability to pick up physical frequency channels practically immediately. The protocol that has been set in place can help define the relationships between the supporting backbone and the radios being supported. The protocol can allow assignments to happen automatically.

There are many more things to be discussed and dissected when it comes to two way VHF radios. One of these would be the many frequencies, which are assigned in a different manner depending on where you are since they vary from country to country. The selections are often affected by government regulations and licensing, the presence of interference, intermodulation and noise, the availability, the terrain and a lot of other factors.

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