Monday, August 26, 2013

The Advantage Of Using Android Spell Check

By Debra Cooley

Android spell check is a mobile application used in an android enabled smartphone. The main function of the application is to assist the user to check for spelling errors while typing a text on the phone. It is developed in a way that it only works on a smartphone with enabled android operating system. There are several benefits of using it as explained below, however it is necessary to first have a glimpse on how it operates.

There is importance of using the application but it is sensible to first start by looking at how it works before embarking on the importance. After the text have been typed in the phone, it is then subjected through the application to check for the wrongly spelt word. There is always a link on the right side of the application.

This link will check for the spelling errors and give suggestions on the right spelling of the underlined words. The user is then able to edit the whole text as he or she may require. Thereafter, the edited text may be sent using other applications such as twitter, email, messenger and Facebook.

The spell checker, other than helping the users to correct their wrong spelling, it makes it possible for the user to spend more time on the writing and not to bother with spelling errors while typing. It also properly edits the work as it identifies the typo errors within the text then provide for the right spelling.

The application has several features which are beneficial to the users. For instance, the application has speech recognition feature which works in the following manner. Whenever the microphone is clicked, and one speaks, the feature will interpret the sound into text. Therefore all the spoken words will appear as written text. This makes it easier for the user to speak other than to trouble himself or herself typing the words they wish to type. This is very easy and faster way as compared to typing the whole text.

The fact that the application is one mega a bite is also worth mentioning. This is because it makes it easier to download and install in any smartphone. Of importance to mention also is some of the unique features of the application like the speech recognition.

The other feature is that fifteen different languages are supported by the application. This therefore makes it useful to different people, in different parts of the world speaking different languages.It is necessary to note that the free version of the application comes with some limitations as opposed to the pro version which is not having any limitation.

The application then will convert the speech in to text using the right spelling. The user will then be able to use the relevant application in sharing the word. The application also reorganizes fifteen different languages. It can therefore be used to spell check documents in different languages. This makes it attractive to different people across the world. It is also necessary to note that android spell check is available free of charge. However the free version is limited to only 180 characters while the pro version which is charged is not restricted to any minimum number of characters.

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