Monday, November 25, 2013

Easy Way In Creating A Mini Crape Myrtle

By Susan Dawson

Bonsai making had been an art for and been practiced for millenniums in Japan. Today, this type of growth controlling had been considered as one of the best way to conserve trees. Nature lovers who does not posses big properties for trees always buy such for they are very convenient and does not eat big space. And since crape myrtle will grow bigger, many of the condominium owners are looking for mini crape myrtle for sale.

Get a full grown myrtle about twelve inches or more as long as its size is enough to be made into bonsai. After that, remove it into the pot carefully and make sure that the stem, roots and soil are still intact. If you accidentally detached the stem from its roots, then it cannot make a good bonsai and therefore you have wasted one potential.

Intentionally erode the soil from its roots with the use of the hose which water strongly flows. And since the soil is already soften due to the waters flown by it, use your hand to gently remove the remaining substance unto the roots. Be careful for the root is the principal part of the plant.

Cutting will be the next thing to do afterward. The roots must be fit to the pot or enough to meet your desired size of a bonsai. If you think that it is too big, then you can have minor mutilation of its main root. If you think that the branches are too high or too wide then you can also cut them off, after all it will recover after few weeks and transform into a miniature one.

Have a pot small enough for a bonsai and some sphagnum moss form its base. Put some amount of moss into the pot. And so, wrap then its roots with moss the place it in the pot. Hardly press it so that the water absorbed will be released. If the moss in the pot cannot hold the plant then add more sphagnum until it will not go sidewards.

You can also buy a bonsai dirt for this. This type of dirt is made out of fifty percent pebbles and fifty percent compost dirt. Just put soil deep enough into the lower part of the pot. Then put the plan and cover it with the dirt. Press it gently to make it intact.

Controlled growth must be observed in maintaining a bonsai. This is to say that its branches must go sidewards and its stem must be twisted for you to control its height. By doing it, you have to cut off the branches exceeded not just on the top but also to the lower parts of the stem.

If you want your miniature plant to have a shape which is your favorite, then you can use small wires for this. Put the wire into the small branches and straighten it horizontally for the mean time. Then use a bigger wire for a shape pattern. Once you have the pattern, use it during your cutting and then cut the branches by following its shape from angles to angles.

To have a mini crape myrtle for sale would be a great possession for someone who loves bonsais. But a possession that is acquired through hardship is much more fulfilling than the other. Always think that it is better to know something than not knowing anything.

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