Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Manufacturers Of The United Electric Pressure Switch

By Angela Briggs

Switches that are used to control an electrical circuit are necessary within many industrial machines, and UE, or United Electric Control, is a company that makes these products. The United electric pressure switch can be purchased in several different designs, but all are made to withstand rugged industrial conditions. Their designs have different components, for example, a diaphragm or a piston sensor, and these additions allow the switches to operate because they determine when the electrical circuit should be turned off or on.

The switches that can be bought from the company can be programmed to suit various purposes, and are known to have a high degree of reliability when it comes to safety. Changing pressures determine whether the electrical circuit will be off or on, and the switches can operate if pressurization is high, low or at a specific level for a certain length of time. These switches are components of various electrical machines.

Fuel cells, as well as refrigeration machines, are often equipped with differential switches. These switches differ slightly from those previously mentioned, because they work with two systems, but their function is the same. They also work with high and low pressures, and will be switched in the alternative direction when pressures either build or fall.

The company UE can be found in the United States, in Massachusetts. It is in Watertown, and also operates another two companies which conduct their business as Applied Sensor Technologies and Precision Sensors. Combined, these companies manufacture a number of different kinds of switches, those that are controlled by varying temperatures and pressures, and various types of controls and sensors.

The products that the company manufactures include switches for hazardous locations, general purpose and those for the semiconductor, military and aerospace industry. The products manufactured conform to the ISO 9001 certification. The company also plays their part in caring for the environment. They participate in recycling, energy management and non-toxic manufacturing processes.

Customers will go to Applied Sensor Technologies when they want to purchase sensors of various types for OEM and end-user operations. The US government makes use of their sensors in numerous equipment, and private industries purchase from the company as well. Gas turbines are an example of equipment that make use of their sensors.

Precision Sensors has been supplying their customers with quality products for longer than 40 years. Their customers include companies within the defense and aerospace industry, and their products include switches that are of the electromechanical, temperature and vacuum variety. They offer reasonable prices and their products are commonly in alarm devices too, that are used for the safety of both people and their possessions.

The companies can be easily contacted if further details are required regarding their products. There is also online support available if a customer needs to know more about the United electric pressure switch. Experts, frequently asked questions and other forms of support are all easily accessible.

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