Friday, November 22, 2013

Establishing A Dialogue With God

By Georgia Diaz

People these days understand that maintaining the faith means maintaining the connection. They know that there is a divine being overseeing how things are actually going on with their lives. They know too, that they have to be able to maintain an open line with this divine being to keep their spirituality strong at all times. Knowing how to establish a dialogue with God would be helpful.

It would help for you to know that there are actually ways that will allow you to maintain that connection. Not a lot of people are aware of this, but there are means and methods that people can choose to opt for if they want to be able to make the most of the way they communicate with the divine. It might help if they get to know what these methods are.

You would not really want to end up in situations where you might actually become aimless like many people nowadays. There are those who end up feeling as if they are not sure which direction to head. Many people who have lost their way may end up in situations that are considered dark and are less than ideal for the kind of living and existence that they might want to be able to lead.

Listening to your instinct is a good idea for you to ensure that the things that you'll be opting for are going to be within the bounds of what is right. It is always easy for one to identify if he is actually doing things right. For instance, if your instinct is trying to tell you to do something, just refer to the scriptures and check if these actions are within those that are identified as right and good.

Read the scripture, it is easier for people to hear and see what the almighty actually wants them to do and say based on the many teachings that are in the scripture, it is essential that you will be able to use these teachings and have them incorporated with the way you live your life. Thus, you are sure that you are able to live that life that the divine actually requires you to.

Being observant is something that you would want to do if you are truly aiming towards establishing that connection with the almighty, you have to remember that many of the things that are happening around you may be happening because the Lord has something to tell you about them. The people that you meet along the way, you may have met because they actually served some purpose of telling you something, delivering you a message.

Never forget to pray. Do not pray only because there is smoothing you need or there is something you are hoping you would get, pray in those times when you are at your most joyful, and not only when you are quite down on your knees. Use this chance to channel positive thoughts where they are supposed to be challenged in the first place. Then, you will recognize how powerful a tool it is.

Do remember to always keep a dialogue with God at all times. Make sure that you will continue to listen to what he says and live his teachings in the way that you are living your life. With this, you are sure that you are able to translate the positivism out of reliving these teachings with the way you live.

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