Monday, February 24, 2014

Guidelines For Lean Six Sigma Healthcare

By Krystal Branch

People in the medical field are trying their best to improve the way things work so that they can enhance the quality of service offered to clients as well as control costs. By embracing lean six sigma healthcare projects they find it easier to nurture a culture in the organization that is focused to minimize problems and enhance service delivery to clients. Nonetheless, there are some crucial factors that are observed.

It is important that customers are offered satisfactory services in order for the healthcare facility to improve. Nevertheless, this affects all areas of the facility other than treatment but also affects the billing systems, good communication channels and availability of rooms among other important things. Hence, choose wisely project that bring about feasible improvements in delivering quality services.

Potential projects for health care organizations may be related directly to work-flow of the registration and billing systems and the clinical procedures of medication administration among others. All these activities are important and quite relevant but they cannot be improved all at one. In order to manage the changes well there is need to prioritize them accordingly depending on goals and objectives of a medical facility.

Selecting and prioritizing areas that require immediate improvement is key meaning some important guidelines should be followed when selecting the projects in a health care facility. When prioritizing the needed projects, you must give significance to customer needs and also understand critical quality elements well. The customer does not need to be the patient only; it can be anyone at the facility including the nurses, doctors and administrators.

You must recognize the composite nature of the problems you are dealing with. The more the intricacy with the quantifiable reaction variables, the better the projections of projects at hand. However, note that with the right tools needed to fasten the process some of these issues can be sorted out easily including those that only need to be facilitated and directed well.

Characteristically, for the sigma project selection, there must be identifiable input and output processes taking place. Some of the common characteristics of these projects include well defined goals, feasibility of resources and data, visible benefits of an initiative to customers and alignment for critical health care facility issues. Additionally, there must be considerable improvement on project implementation.

When data is collected the team must determine the problem and the solution that would benefit the organization. If a simple project that can bring some quick results is done, it can bring forth more support and offer a boost to future projects and so by choosing something that is time bound, the project will become more meaningful and long lasting. In addition, if it is not controversial, you can be sure you will not face much resistance.

Medical institutions should work on selection of practical lean six sigma healthcare projects that will bring measurable results and benefits to their organization. Depending on the needs and priorities of each organization, they must choose their projects well. This will bring about visible changes that will help provide the best services for their clients.

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