Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lean Six Sigma Training For Managers

By Krystal Branch

In the world of business, the goal of every company should be providing the best quality services and products for the customers or clients of the business. It is for this reason that one of the methods that leaders of any business would be taught the lean six sigma method. Of course it is because of the effectiveness of this technique, leaders would usually have to undergo lean six sigma training.

For those who do not know, this method is one that would try to find out what the problems in the production of products would be and solve them in the process. Another one of the goals of this method is to make sure that the operations of the business will have minimal variability. Users of this method would actually make use of certain statistical computations in order to be able to find out more about these problems.

Now one thing that people have to take note about this method is that the end goal of this method is to simply please the customer all the time. They do so by always improving the quality of their product or service by making use of this technique. Of course they have to know what will please the customers and work on that piece of knowledge.

One very important thing that one will be learning in this type of program would be none other than the Value Stream Mapping. This is known to be a lean method that would include the acts of verifying information on the customer base, listing the steps of the process, and picking the best steps. From there, he will be working on the entire process.

Now the second will be none other than the main core of this Six Sigma method. Now the main thing that this method would be teaching would be the process of DMAIC. By making use of the steps in this process, one will be able to pinpoint the root causes of problems in production.

Of course the first part of this five step process is to define the problem. This is probably the most important step because it is impossible to have a proper solution without knowledge of the main cause. Of course the next step is making an assessment of the situation.

After he has assessed the situation, then the very next step is to of course analyze the root problem. After making an analysis, then he has to try to improve the process so that the process will be able to work better for the good of the customers. Of course he has to observe consistency as he has to make sure that good quality becomes constant.

So if one is undergoing the lean six sigma training program, then these are the things that he will learn. Now manufacturing companies will definitely have to train their leaders under this program. The main purpose of a business is not only to earn profits but to also please customers which is why this method was created.

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