Friday, February 28, 2014

The Basic Approaches To A Simple EMDR Treatment

By Krystal Branch

Treating post traumatic stress disorder can be done with EMDR Denver. The person suffering from this disorder should call up for the assistance of a professional. The professional is the one who will administer this treatment. The said treatment is composed of eight phases, each with precise intentions of their own.

The first phase has a lot to do with history and treatment planning. At this point, the professional will conduct an initial evaluation with regards to the history of the client. Depending on the results of the evaluation, the professional will then develop a general treatment plan that will be used for treating the person suffering from the said disorder.

There is the processing too. This is the point in the treatment where the patient will have to focus on the traumatic memory. The clinician will then initiate lateral eye movements. With this phase, it is possible for the clinician to get associative information out of the patient suffering from the post traumatic stress disorder.

Assessment. At this phase, the client will have to remember the traumatic memory once again and visualize an image that will represent it. The client should explain any negative cognition related to the event or the image. After that, one should then create another image that might represent the event with a positive cognition.

The next part is the desensitization. When the person is asked to focus on the disturbing memory and is in the process of focusing on the negative cognition, the professional will have to begin making bilateral gestures and requests that the person has to follow. They have to do this until they reach the point that they no longer feel as strongly negative about the image as they were in the past.

Installation will then come next. This time, the person will be asked to focus on the positive cognition developed during the assessment part of the treatment. Just like with the procedure during the desensitization phase, the professional will ask the person to follow some gestures that will help install the positive thoughts into their minds in place of the negative ones.

Body scanning. This phase should help the client see if there are any uncomfortable sensations still left in the body. Just because one does not feel as strongly traumatized about an experience as before does not mean that the fear is completely gone. There are surely tension or physical discomfort left from it. Check the body to eliminate these lingering sensations.

Find closure with it. There are events that cannot be resolved completely within the time limit of the treatment. In this case, one might want to make use of relaxation techniques to help with acquiring emotional stability and tranquility. These techniques will surely be of great help to the person suffering from the traumatic event.

Reevaluation. This is considered to be the last phase in the procedure that the therapist will administer. The initial evaluation is not enough to see the condition of a client. Make sure to reevaluate the client every now and then. The client should be completely fine after going through proper treatment.

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