Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Interesting Facts About Barack Obama You May Need To Know Of

By Barun Kumar

Obama is the current and 44th leader of US who was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on fourth August 1961. Before he got the leadership of being the 44th president of US, Obama studied and worked in different places. There are plenty of interesting facts about Barack Obama that people searching to know more about him can take advantage of.

Obama and his wife Michelle Robinson met at Chicago Law Firm of Sidley Austin where he was interning. Even though Michelle did not love Obama at the early days of their meeting, their day-to-day meeting led to a two-year courtship that finally led to a marriage. The two married in 1992 at the Trinity United Church of Christ. The ceremony was led by Reverend Wright the same reverend who baptized their two daughters Natasha and Malia.

At his early age while living in Indonesia after his mother had divorced his father and married Lolo, Obama loved to play rode water buffalo and rice paddies besides eating snake meat, chili peppers, roasted grasshopper and dog meat. Obama had a monkey pet which he called Tata. Through his life in Indonesia he met and lived with people of different characters.

Obama is as well known to have loved playing basketball during his childhood. However, his desire to guarantee fitted into the group made him to start drinking, experimenting with cocaine and smoking bhang. Obama afterwards stopped taking drugs even though some stories state that he still smokes cigarette.

Other unknown facts about Barack Obama relates to his family background. For instance, his father is a Luo, one of the main tribes in Kenya. Though a hardworking student, his father was kicked out of school due to being disrupting and missing classes. He spent most of life as an atheist though he called himself a Muslim.

Through his youthful looks, texting and social life on the web he ended up boosting his campaign that led to his huge following. For example, his continuous and persuasive utilization of the internet led to him wining the presidential elections. Additionally, it made him achieve more recognition on both the web and offline.

Before he become the US president Obama had worked in various places. For example, in 1985 he worked on the Chicago group referred to as developing towns project whose mission involved empowering poor people through grass root organization. He also worked at Baskin-Robbins, the job that made him to dislike ice cream even up to now.

These are some of the little known facts about Barack Obama each of which happened at different times and for different reasons. Some of them explain of his adult life while others detail his childhood life. Knowing these facts can enable you learn more about the current United States president and discover some of the hidden things that you may have never known about his life.

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