Sunday, March 30, 2014

Get Your Type K Thermocouple From A Reliable Source

By Jaclyn Hurley

How does one measure temperatures that are too hot for humans to be near? A traditional thermometer would be used for temperatures of around 200 degrees Fahrenheit and would destroy them if exposed to anything higher. Electronic thermometers can handle heat inside a computer but not a furnace at over 2000 degrees. The only option would be to use a type K thermocouple.

The sensors have been specially developed to with stand extremely harsh environments. Whether it's probing a blob of lava or drilling a whole a mile under the ice, thermocouples are the work horse in the temperature measuring department. Developed using two different types of thermo conducting wire with two ends joined together to create a joint. They produce a voltage as the temperature rises or falls.

When this junction is exposed to heat source the junction experiences a change in temperature and allows a voltage to be created. By using a reference table the voltage produced from this junction can be used to determine the temperature. Different couples have different characteristics with regards to temperature range. Extreme conditions will require a wire and couple that can with stand high or even extreme cold environments.

A wide range of temperatures can be measured using these devices and some factors can influence the measurement. One of these is the environment they are to be used in. If it is a chemically harsh atmosphere the couple can erode and the life span of it can be drastically reduced. By shielding it by means of a sheath it can be protected and thus its life span extended.

The wires used in these couples are made from noble metals which can react to heat changes very quickly. The k type couple is the most common of these because of their accuracy, reliability and wide temperate range. This couple is used very often in nuclear application due to its radiation hardness and it can with stand continuous temperatures of up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. These couples are not only used for extreme heat conditions, they can also be used for extremely cold conditions.

Type K is the most common general purpose couple. It has a more average sensitivity compared to other types and is inexpensive to produce. It is used in a relatively wide variety of probes and can measure from extreme negative temperatures to extremely high temperatures. One of the conducting materials used in this type of conductor is magnetic and can be susceptible to deviation I n the output voltage.

To differentiate between the different types available, a color combination of the wire sheathing is used. For the type K it will be yellow for positive and red for negative. If the couple is corroded it can lead to incorrect measurements and could give a low reading on the output voltage and may even fail altogether. This often occurs when the couple corrodes due to chemicals and moisture.

The thermocouple of this sort is used most often as it is the most versatile and reliable of the various types. No matter what the application there will be a thermocouple that will suit the application. From furnaces to the house hold oven and even a simple electronic device, thermocouple is a part of everyday life.

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