Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Important Details About African Cichlids Care

By Linda Cantrell

For many people that enjoy rearing fish and keeping aquariums, African cichlids are some of the most amazing species that you can hold or take care of. This is due to the fact that the fish come in a variety of colors, the most common being a lovely yellow and purple. Besides that, the fish is very easy to rear and look after. Below are a few important things that you need to know about African Cichlids care.

First of all, you will need to think about the habitat that you want to set up for the fish. Most people go with an aquarium. The size of the one that you choose should depend on how many fish you are rearing. Start by making sure that you have an optimum temperature for the growth of the species. This is about 74 to 82 degrees.

Do not allow the heat level to go to either high or low extremes as it can lead to the death of the species. They do not have a resistance against the extreme environments and they are very delicate. This will mean that you avoid putting the facility on direct sunshine or in the rain. If it gets cold; you will need a heating system to raise the warmth of the water to the desired level.

Another condition that you have to monitor closely is the pH level of the water. The ideal pH for raising this fish species is about 7.8 to 8.5. The best way to make sure that this is maintained is by taking regular measurements and ensuring that you add soda to lower the pH if it the water becomes too acidic.

Another thing that you need to monitor closely when you are rearing this fish is the cleanness of the tank. Regular filtration of the tank will keep unwanted particles out of the tank. Similarly, you need to make sure that your airline and the air stone are in a proper working condition at all times.

The other thing not to forget about caring for cichlids is that you have to feed them regularly. Make sure that you take the time and learn about the best foods for these fish. Get your food from a reliable fish food store and make sure that you feed them small amounts of food at regular intervals.

Lighting is the next important thing to know about rearing this species. Good lighting will be great for the health of the fish and also for the benefit of the people that will be viewing the aquarium. The best way to do it is make use of fluorescent bulbs attached to the wall of the tank.

Above are the most important things that you need to know when it comes to taking this Care. Important to note is that the health of your fish will ultimately depend on how keen you are about taking care of it. It is, therefore, advisable to take time and learn all the tips that will help you to rear this amazing fish species in an easy and enjoyable manner.

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