Friday, March 28, 2014

Take A Hike

By Malcolm Andersen

A hiking vacation is the best way to have a thrilling and memorable vacation at the same time. You can either go alone or bring your family with you. Either way you will definitely enjoy it.

Hiking vacations do offer a range of adventure that differs in each hike you take. It allows you to take in the wonderful scenery and get in touch with Mother Nature.

Pick A Spot

Unsure where to go? Hiking has become a past time for a number of people that there are hiking trails that have been cleared in the woods or along mountainsides. You can try each one until you find one that suits you perfectly.

If you want something more complicated or adventurous, you may want to go out and look for a trail of your own in the wilderness. If this is the route that you wish to take, be sure that you inform somebody of your whereabouts just in case you get lost. Whichever trail path you do decide to take, you will surely have a great hiking experience.

Pack Your Bags

Be sure that you take very important and necessary items with you if you do plan to take a hiking vacation. On the other hand, do not overburden your load since you do have to carry all of it on your back.

Use the weather as your reference for the appropriate hiking clothes. If it is cold then you should wear thick layered clothes while if it is warm you should wear thin layered clothes. Don't forget your emergency blanket.

Bring along matches that you have placed in a waterproof bag or container. Pack a couple of light snacks so that you won't get hungry and feel light-headed while hiking.

Bring as much water as you can carry. Hiking can cause dehydration and plain old water is the best drink to rehydrate yourself, forget those sodas and sweet drinks. Take a few moments off from your hike to drink enough water so you don't get dehydrated.

Bring along a camera. Your hike will surely allow you to see a number of beautiful sites and wildlife. Bringing along a camera allows you to preserve the beauty of what you saw and you can look at them time and again after you have finished your hike.

Bring a smaller, lightweight microfiber towel to dry your hair, body, or camera and other gear when things get wet. Avoid a large cotton towel, as they tend to be bulky and very heavy when wet, and stay wet in your backpack for days.

The Hiking Novice

If this is your first time to try out hiking, better take things slowly. Ask a friend who has had experience in hiking to go with you for a short hike over the weekend. Not only will you have company but you can ask for some tips on the do's and don'ts of hiking based on personal experience. You can also ask other hikers for their share of tips.

After a few hiking trips, you will surely be eager to schedule your next hiking vacation.

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