Friday, June 20, 2014

Important Facts About Grease Removal

By Sherry Gross

Most people find it hard dealing with some stains. Stains can prove tiresome and cumbersome that many of us usually throw the item away. However, whatever you have stained, do not throw it away, it can surely be lifted out. All you need to do is to simply act quickly. It is therefore important to have some insights on grease removal agents. This is particularly the case because by using some regular cleaning agents, it will be good as new within no time.

Grease stains are simple to remove than dealing with the other types of stains because the oily substances are profoundly broken down through washing up liquid. The method prevents the need for applying more powerful detergents and anything that can cause drastic damage to fabrics as bleach.

When stained, reach out for white vinegar and regular dish detergent for solution. Opt for a colorless detergent where possible as it prevents the cleaner from further re-staining the garment. However, where the colorless detergent is not readily available, make use of a dilute solution at your disposal. The purpose of the vinegar is to dislodge the highly stubborn stains and help do away with the detergent after cleaning. Rubber gloves are handy as far as vigorous garment rubbing is concerned, however, there is no special concern since neither of the substances in use is dangerous or rather harmful.

The actual practice of grease elimination commences with spreading out the garment and applying the affected area with the detergent. The washing detergent is then worked out into the fabric by the using the finger. The result of this working out is the stain beginning to dissolve immediately. The dissolving takes place almost immediately since the dish detergent has the potential of dissolving grease directly.

On dissolving, the stain is then rinsed alongside the detergent, by employing neat white vinegar. The process ends with rinsing the entire garment using water and ultimately washing it normally. For it to be effective, especially on very resistant stains, ensure to carry out this practice repeatedly. Though simple and straightforward, this technique is effective and gets rid of the stain within one to five applications.

As a word of caution, be sure to check the washing instructions and regulations for every item of clothing so as to ensure that such items are not very fragile to withstand the rubbing required to complete the process. In addition, remember to run some tests on the dishwashing detergent by applying on a hidden part of your fabric, such as a cuff or hem. This ensures that the detergent will not stain or otherwise discolor your clothes.

Though most stains can be easily removed, if it appears on a more delicate fabric including wool and silk, it is recommended to have such item to a professional cleaner. It is often easier to remove a fresh stain as opposed to one that has set in. In this endeavor, speed defines victory.

Removing a fresh grease stain is often easier than removing one that has set in. Accordingly, the sooner you attend to the stain, the better. Though you might not get it into a washer immediately, it is best for the stain to be pre-treated anyway. In case you do not have dishwashing soap, liquid hand soap goes a long way, and is better than nothing.

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