Monday, June 16, 2014

Tattoo Ideas For Knuckle

By Darren Hartley

The beauty of knuckle tattoo ideas lie in the fact that even if they do not cover a large space of the body, no other tattoo can beat it as far as amassing attention is concerned. They are the torchbearers to the saying that small is beautiful.

An interesting aspect to knuckle tattoo ideas is that generally, they are inked only on eight fingers. The thumbs are hardly ever used, unless, of course, it becomes absolutely necessary. The normal operation in these types of tattoos is having two words inked, one for each hand.

The tradition of spelling out meaningful words, clever phrase turns or statements in knuckle tattoo ideas can be embellished with either elaborate or not-so-elaborate artwork, with the intention of drawing the eye to the image. This is an acceptable option for wearers who wish to convey his thoughts not only through words but images as well, both centering around a common message.

Any word or phrase of eight letters or less can be spelled across knuckle tattoo ideas. The word or phrase chosen must have some meaning attached to it for its wearer. This could be the name of the wearer or his favorite mantra.

The name of someone who has been lost can serve as a constant reminder when used as knuckle tattoo ideas. To get 8.000 words' worth on the eight knuckles instead of only 2, a picture can be chosen. As the song goes, a picture is worth or can paint a thousand words.

It has been stated that the first knuckle closest to the hand is the most popular position for knuckle tattoo ideas. However, the wearer can also opt to ink these sideways on the first knuckle of one hand and on the second knuckle of the other hand. This makes the chosen word or image readable when the knuckles are interlaced together.

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