Friday, June 27, 2014

Preparing For The Arrival Breyer Horses In Your Homestead

By Ina Hunt

People find it joyous and pleasurable to keep different animals in their homesteads and farms. While some people would make efforts to keep puppies and kittens at home, others would look for bigger animals. This depends with the need of the individual in buying the animal. Among the most enticing animals you would keep at home, include a horse. If you are looking for a good horse, you need to consult people who breed and keep breyer horses.

Prior to bringing a horse in your home, you will have to make several preparations that will ensure peaceful co-existence of your family and the animal. Make sure that you build a barnyard that will be able to serve as a house for the horse with stables in place. Do not just make space for a single horse. Ensure there is space for at least two or three more.

When making a stall for the animal you should ensure that, it is livable. One way of doing this is by ensuring that the floor is kept clean and comfortable at all times. It would not be good to let your animal sleep on a hard rough floor instead of the more comfortable version where you make use of products such as sawdust on the floor. Other materials that could be used include materials such as straw or even shredded paper.

Another important thing to take note of is the feeding pattern of your animal. You need to ensure that the animal is provided for in terms of all feeds it may need in order to allow for its upkeep. For your horse to remain strong and healthy, you will need to ensure a consistent feeding practice. It would be wise to feed the animal twice daily as this would allow for its proper growth.

For those who may not know that keeping these animals requires commitment and devotion, they need to learn that the horses need grooming services. The horse owner would have to buy currycombs that groom the horse in the right way. In addition, you need to know the right times for grooming your horse. You may also need to use bristle brushes and face brushes to keep the horse groomed.

It is your obligation to keep your horse comfortable at all weather conditions. This means that you should not expose it to the cold weather especially in winter. During this season, snow is almost everywhere and this does not keep your horse happy. The best thing that you would therefore do is to buy it a warmer blanket to keep it warm.

It is especially advisable to allow the animal to graze in open fields during the summer months. This allows or the animal to roam and exercise as it grazes. You may also consider buying your animal fly sprays to keep flies from it.

Finally, you should always ensure that the horse has sufficient water in its stable to keep it healthy. Additionally, you should know the right drugs to use to remove worms and other harmful internal parasites from its systems. This is a sure way of maintaining the health of your horse.

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