Thursday, July 24, 2014

How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals With A Denver Personal Life Coach

By Derick Scartel

When people confront issues such as a lack of exercise, overeating, or the need to stop smoking, making the appropriate behavioral changes is not always easy, and attempts may end in failure and self-recrimination. Denver personal life coaching helps motivated individuals find the support, guidance, and encouragement that makes success possible.

The phenomenon of coaching is a relatively new trend, and is based on the belief that with the right motivation and understanding, nearly everyone has the strength to set and achieve goals. A coach gently helps people get past internal barriers, defines and helps create realistic goals, and provides reliable and consistent support.

Overweight people who are continually being admonished to change their lifestyle may simply stop listening. Even though overweight is the new norm, people suffer psychologically when a culture that worships thinness excludes or diminishes them. Coaches help clients improve appearance and overall health without yo-yo dieting.

An unhealthy food relationship may include fad diets, binge eating, or junk food fixations. Fighting back demands long-term guidance and a support system. Coaches stay in close contact for months, providing insights into common but damaging motivations. Food education is vital, stressing how to make choices that support individual goals.

Coaches do not simply spout advice and then act as cheerleader, but help clients reveal to themselves the underlying reasons why their relationship with food is skewed. Causes are numerous, including childhood emotional trauma, job frustration, or failed relationships. Once motivations become clear, realistic goals can be set and achieved with support.

Rather than being a ritualized weekly weigh-in, this approach to weight loss is holistic. Coaches realize that without including body, mind and spirit in the equation, the chances for success are diminished. Food education, responsible encouragement and individually tailored sessions are the keys to achieving lasting results, and will work when other methods fail.

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