Friday, July 18, 2014

Janitorial Distributors Have The Tools And Information

By Coleen Torres

Anyone involved in cleaning and maintaining that cleanliness of any commercial or private home, needs tools, chemicals, information and friendly help in many areas. The custodial companies or facility managers who have a cleaning department on site must have this to stay up to date. The best place to go to get this help is one of the janitorial distributors in the area.

The EPA or the Environmental Protection Agency, requires information, in the form of Material Safety Data sheets to be provided for all chemicals. This type of information is very helpful in establishing a coherent policy about what solutions are used in what particular accounts. The chemicals will change over a fairly short period of time, so an acquaintance with this information is vital to the cleaning firm.

The need to find and learn about new chemicals can be an enlightening experience. The ability to accomplish this, at these stores, is helpful and easy when it is accompanied by the experts who work with them every day. The cleaner can be helped to understand that maybe it is the application of the solution and not necessarily the chemical itself is the problem.

Equipment, such as floor machines will be available on display and ready to be tried out as well. This is a good place to try out that new carpet cleaner, on an actual carpet in the back room, before spending money on it. The appropriate cleansers can be looked at and techniques can be watched and then applied.

Backpack vacuums will also be here as well as the latest uprights and canisters. Knowing you can see all of them, side by side, with the ability to turn them on and see them work is a great benefit. Understanding the difference between and bagged model and one that does use a bag will help you truly understand clean.

All of the various types and models of mops will be displayed for your education. String, sponge and flat mops can be looked at. The appropriate buckets and containers for the cleansing solutions will be available for inspection. Discussions about the efficacy of each one for certain purposes or areas is what you come here for and it is an interesting conversation.

Paperwork, MSDSs and all of the tools and equipment needed to accomplish the tasks any cleaning company has is one thing. Having a solid conversation with some of the many leaders of the cleaning industry in the area is another. Finding out how they solved a particular problem is not as hard as it may be in another industry not so sharing.

Making things easier for cleaning companies to get quality information and supplies is what these distributors are all about. The friendly atmosphere, almost always with a cup of coffee and or popcorn available, makes it easy to understand the things they need to know. The conversations with employees, customers standing around and vendors coming and going will make for an easy to learn and easy to acquire attitude throughout the entire experience.

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