Monday, July 28, 2014

Living The Utopian Life Of Dreams

By Sharron Cantu

Most people desire to live a good life, an honest life, a perfect life. To live perfectly or ideally is to live the utopian life. It is one filled with a passion driven purpose unique to each individual within the community. Once each individual discovers a talent, a way of giving and the uniqueness that is oneself, the individual is on the path to a new and perfect life.

The word, first coined by Sir Thomas More and describes a fantasy island off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Intentional living communities have now taken on the name as have several communes around the world. To live a true Utopian lifestyle is to live a house of peace, love, kindness and harmony.

Communes of the mid-60s and early 70s are a good example of utopian lifestyles. Individuals shared housing, chores, gardening and other activities. Unlike those communes of the early days, sex, drugs and rock and roll are often missing from the menu in the intentional living communities and communes still operating today.

The word, of Greek origin literally means "no place." Interesting meaning when one considers the realty of the meaning of the word and the adage that "no place is perfect." The earliest mention of a Utopian paradise would be that of Plato's Republic. Whether with Plato's Republic, or others' since, one thing in common with most is that the economics are often based on a socioeconomic status.

When it comes to ecological concerns, there are many aspects of this so called perfect life that can be of assistance. Ecological aspects can also be a source for inspiration. Whether for green political movements in the future, or cleaning up the environment today, those living a Utopian lifestyle are far more likely to actively work to clean up rather than destroy the planet.

In the 19th century, several ideas arose related to the lifestyle. Social disruption believed to be created by the development of commercialism and capitalism were on the forefront. As a result, communes, garden homes, intentional communities and other shared living arrangements rose up all over the world.

Not often realized, dormitory living in colleges and universities has often been thought of as utopian. While this may be the case, it is doubtful that any dorm is the perfect living situation; While fraternities and sororities have some of the same living conditions, in no way are either of these utopian in nature. Rather, both are often boisterous, loud and obnoxious, everything that goes against the definition of peace.

Fictionally speaking, Andromeda (1957, ) is a science fiction film that shows a fairy successful utopian society. The entire human race has to communicate with the Great Circle before taking action on a number of issues. The basic premise being that a peaceful, loving, kind and helpful community can be built and last a lifetime.

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