Wednesday, February 11, 2015

EU Medical Device Classification Objectives

By Beryl Dalton

Medical devices are equipment found in hospitals used to assist in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of diseases and conditions of the human body. They are used to examine patients like the stethoscope, disposable gloves, or thermometers. There are also apparatus that are too advanced and technical. Such are in the form of computer software to assist in tests that are too technical like those performed in implant and transplant procedures, and many others.

Biomedical designers and manufacturers produce these which may take a long time to finish. But the presence of CAD systems make the manufacture more convenient and accurate. The EU medical device classification helps in assuring the safety of these equipment once in contact to or used for the human body.

Software systems need to be verified for errors as much as the tangible equipment need to be checked for defects. Both are used to save lives of people, hence, must be classified according to their respective functions. Everything that you need to know about the classifications is contained in the national law of the European Union which includes the directives. The most crucial aim of the EU is to provide safe health services to the people.

There are certain standards set to make the appropriate classification. There will be reports made for strict vigilance and reference. It is critical to make sure that malpractices be prevented since some of it may be prompted by wrong use, classification, as well as errors on the technical aspects of health care equipment. Hence, the main aim of the EU is to provide the general public with the safest procedures using apparatus and machines for disease prevention, detection, and treatment.

In nineteen ninety five, they have standardized a Medical Device Directive which is the reference for assessing the apparatus used in hospitals and clinics. Health organizations need to conform with these standards before they can use their new medical instruments. Part of the goal is to also technically harmonize all existing apparatus especially those that assist intricate procedures.

There are three classifications of the directives. Those instruments used for implants or transplants, the simple apparatus like stethoscope, gloves, and tongue depressors. Finally, the materials for in vitro treatments are also classified. These aim to prevent, control, treat, and diagnose different and also classified diseases and conditions since these materials will be used to patients with different cases accordingly.

The EU government authorize a state member who is responsible for the approval of these developments. He is the one responsible for the assessment and testing according to the demands of the European law and the standard directives. He will provide the necessary requirements and permits whether or not the machine or apparatus will be used in hospitals and clinics.

Hazards to human body that may be long term or fatal can be the effect of defects and wrong use of these materials. New manufactured biomedical developments must be checked and tested thoroughly before approval of use. The directives exist for this purpose, which is beneficial to the public.

Any detected defects must be reported immediately to prevent health organizations from using them. It is also necessary to classify the materials appropriately before distributed to hospitals and clinics for easy monitoring. The welfare of the public must come first, so health organizations must abide by the law as well. Otherwise, there are sanctions that they will have to face.

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