Friday, February 13, 2015

Useful Information About European Union Cosmetics Regulation

By Beryl Dalton

There is a new rule affecting importation of cosmetics to Euro block of nations. Those involved in this kind of trade should be aware of this regulation as it will have an effect on their operations. The new rule requires manufacturers of beauty commodities to be more responsible for the safety of their goods. Unlike the past, these manufacturers and their distributors will be held responsible whenever questions regarding safety of their products are raised. Below are some facts about the European Union cosmetics regulation.

Before the regulation came into place, individual countries aware allowed to define what cosmetics are. It is now the responsibility of the EU to provide this definition for the sake of all the members. This definition is used to determine if the products are suitable for the European market or not. This requirement has made it possible to have cosmetic products of standard quality in all members of the Union.

All those involved in the manufacture, importation and distribution of these products are required to be responsible for their commodities. These persons should ensure their products adhere to relevant obligations. In the past, respective governments were required to ensure adherence to these rules. This responsibility can be extended to a third party as long as such individual or company accepts it.

Evidence regarding the safety of products must be made available in a verifiable form. The authorities may require inspecting it to ensure adherence to the requirements. The details of the assessments carried out must be made available whenever inspections are required. These details are mainly kept by the manufacturer or appointed distributor.

Consumers should be provided with all details regarding the product. This will allow them to be aware of what they are purchasing. The manufacturers are required to have a record of everything that would interest consumers. The information should be kept in a form that enables easy access.

The products being imported into the union should have clear labels. The label should have details about the country of origin and the minimum period of its durability. When this information is made available, it is easy to have the products distributed across borders without the need of interpretation.

Importers of cosmetics to the European Union market should strictly adhere to this new regulation. Any importation that does not follow it is seen as illegal. Such an action can attract heavy sanctions since the members countries are allowed to take any action they deem necessary against such traders. It is important to adhere to the rules to avoid any problems.

When the EU passes regulations, they are supposed to be implemented immediately. Regulations are not the same as directives. Therefore, importers of cosmetic products to the Europe market should be aware of implications of this requirement. It has already been implemented and will have an effect on any kind of importation of cosmetic products.

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