Saturday, July 2, 2016

There Are People Helping People Everywhere

By James Bell

In today's society many human beings will always find a way to assist their fellow man in a time of crisis. People helping people has always been something that has been installed into everyone's mind. The great man upstairs really appreciates it when he views all of his creatures going out of their way to be good Samaritans. Unfortunately there are quite a few humans who do not have the skills to make it on their own.

Every person living within the New Haven city limits have heard about Connie Walden and her very disturbed daughter. Connie was fortunate to have a good husband named Bob who was always there to assist her in every possible way and this was really great. The older couple also loved to feed and care for felines who would wander into their yard.

It was quite unfortunate that some of the human beings within her family unit did not have the same abilities as the stray cats coming into the yard. Connie knew that she had a child who could never find peace within her lifetime since she often lived with other mental patients.

This girl is named Victoria and she is the type of person who could not resist the charms of any male who came around. She married at a very young age and found it quite difficult to live in a house with only one male partner. Victoria would sneak out of her house during the night hours to visit the most trashy bars and social clubs she could find.

The men at the bars knew that she was the type of woman who was willing to give in to any male which looked good or bad. She would often go to their homes to have hot sex and her spouse was not aware of this particular situation. After he found out about the affairs he left her all alone.

Victoria could not accept this type of rejection and she wanted to be with her husband even more than ever after the divorce. He on the other hand had simply moved on and did not want any of his family members associating with this woman. Victoria still wanted to be friends with her former mother-in law and this was a strange situation. The law enforcement officials working in this area had to place Victoria under arrest.

While staying within a holding cell Victoria decided to make matters even worse by going into a fit of rage. She made sure that the officers had to change her dirty clothes after she defecated in them. They were totally disgusted and called a mental hospital to the scene. The humans working for this establishment were more than happy to come and take Victoria away for a short time.

This child was very precious to Connie and she did her best to go and rescue her from the mental institution. Every one at the place was very happy to see Victoria leave and they wished her all the best. In time Connie was able to help her daughter overcome all of her issues.

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