Monday, September 18, 2017

A Shade On Skateboard For Disabled San Fernando

By Raymond Murray

Many non-governmental bodies have been started in San Fernando to support the disabled in a society where disability an as inability. Skateboard for Disabled San Fernando is a sport that is fast growing in courtesy of the handicapped program that has recently been launched. This is a perfect way of supporting and encouraging the disadvantaged persons as well as making them feel loved.

The main aim of this kind of sport is to encourage and provide motivation to most handicapped children and older people to engage in the games. Consequently, the maimed children have started to regularly attend the weekly training classes set aside for the handicapped. Their instructors have taken it upon them to make sure that all the kids know the importance of treating each other equally.

Instructors, however, face a huge challenge because there are people who still ridicule and look down on the handicapped and crushing their spirits. They, therefore, make sure that the maimed kids are treated with equality since essential in skating, everyone is equal. Some children do not have hands or legs, but the instructors motivate them to do tricks just like the rest of the children.

The skating program for the handicapped has enlightened people to change the way they view the maimed people so that they can fit in these society as well. They hold campaigns to teach people about the importance of treating these kids with a lot of value so that they can learn to appreciate themselves too. This is a great way of showing love to these kids and older handicapped people as well.

The instructors are usually very excited to find that some handicapped children have a great desire to skate to the point which they prepare themselves very early on the day of the sports. This is a good sign of positivity among the kids. Other children state that skating makes them happy hence they make a point of participating in all the lessons no matter what.

By integrating the handicapped program with the regular program, all skating students will learn to accept and relate with each other regardless of their differences. This will create a positive impact on the disadvantaged lot as they will feel loved and cared for. The instructors have also made great effort in training the maimed kids, and extensive improvements have been observed in them.

Through skating and other educational opportunities, the handicapped children, youth, and older people have greatly developed their self esteem. The sport has also made them able to overcome most barriers to their inclusion and equality in the society. The community is also starting to treat the disadvantaged lot like normal and able people which is encouraging.

The reason the non-profit skating program is becoming successful is that their big aim is to train disabled children and let them know that they can take part in any game. Therefore, more and more disadvantaged kids show up for the training each year. Parents that have maimed kids have also started making their children to these programs so that they can also feel compassion thus teaching the children how to live with a disability.

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