Friday, September 29, 2017

Comprehending The Apostle Paul Teachings On Christianity

By George Baker

Before one can understand the early days of Christianity, one must know how the faith was born. For many, Christianity begins with the religious and spiritual transformation found in The Apostle Paul Teachings and letters. While there are only a few actual letters of the apostle still available, those have detailed information regarding the life and times of the apostle and early Christianity.

Online resources related to Paul include, several papers and other materials which refer to the life and times of this apostle and others. For those who attend church or Sunday School, there are often classes and sermons related to the apostle on a regular basis. In addition, a number of university and public libraries host books, videos and other materials which are representative of Paul and the earliest days of Christianity.

Individuals who enjoy watching television, film and video can often find a number of programs related to the apostle. For example, there are several videos which are part of a HarvardX course through the edX dot org website. Those interested in more independent studies of the apostle and these teachings, can often check out a variety of materials related to the subject at local college and public libraries.

While a lot of information exist from books, CDs, DVDs, and online video, the information is quite varied depending on the creator. In addition, while there are some representation of the original letters, the text can often be hard to read, much less interpret. As such, to learn the most, it is often advised that interested individuals attend a class, take an online course or visit a local church or synagogue to learn more about Paul and these teachings.

When desiring to learn as much as possible about these teachings, the Bible also holds a great deal of information. Various teachings related to Paul can be found in the books of First and Second Corinthians, First Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans, Philippians and Philemon. While this is the case, the teachings in these scriptures still do not provide proof in an actual living Christ, or the resurrection, crucifixion, or ascension.

While the letters of Paul appear to share a great deal of information on the sightings of a living Christ, many believe this to have simply been a dream. Whereas, others, most often the most devout of believers take the sighting to be a real image of the risen Christ and one which created the Christian faith.

For, when it comes to discovering the truth, the only real truth is that the concept of a higher power or powers is a great mystery. Whether that mystery be accepted on faith or denounced as nonsense. Throughout history, missionaries and others have attempted to share the story of Christ with others as a means toward salvation.

In most cases, Christians believe in a holy trinity. The trinity being the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. However, different sects of the faith often have different ideas when it comes to the concept of heaven and hell. For example, some believe Christ died for the sins of all people and all are children of God, the Father and have been cleansed of sin. Whereas, others believe if one does not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then that person will perish in a lake of fire, otherwise known as hell.

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