Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Causes Of Drug Addiction Minneapolis MN During Adolescence

By Jerry Moore

Development from childhood to adulthood is the most critical phase in life. This is because it is the period when internal and external changes start to occur in the body of young people. They tend to try many things including substance abuse which in the long run might end up becoming a habit. Therefore, there is need to prevent drug addiction Minneapolis MN during adolescence.

During this stage, the brain functioning of teenagers tends to change. This is because the emotional part of their brain is what makes most decisions. This way they make some unwise decisions that lead them to try stimulants. In the process, they get hooked. They get caught mainly when they start substance abuse at an early stage of life. If counseling is done to these teenagers before it is too late, there is a chance of helping them.

Another reason why teenagers are likely to get into abuse is sudden environmental changes. These environmental changes include a change in school or home relocation. These might force teens to get into drugs to try and cope with the new environment. Availability of stimulant also may force them to try the substance which is likely to lead to being bent into substance.

Risking is a trait associated with many teenagers during this stage of puberty. Anything they get warned about, they tend to try it. Some will get to substance abuse because they have been warned about them but they still want to know the danger in them. The situation gets worse if one has friends already using the substance. Most will get hooked in the future.

The need to perform better in sports will also lead to substance abuse. Some teenagers find themselves with fear during the game. Hence they opt for stimulants to remove the anxiety. Poor performance in class will also have students turn to depressants so that they can forget about their poor performance and feel good about themselves. This way, they move on to a substance for comfort which later leads to being bent.

Puberty comes with weight increase mostly in girls. When some gain weight they feel bad about themselves. Their self esteem goes down too. To try boost the esteem, most will turn to stimulants so that they cannot feel bad even if others laugh at them. To endure this humiliation every day, they will have to take the substance daily, and in the process, they develop the craving.

Substance abuse can also mean misuse of medicinal drugs. Most teenagers will consult the doctor when they start experiencing pains and any other injuries. Not following the instructions given by the physician is substance abuse and if used in excess without consultation, it will make one get addicted which is a wrong move.

In conclusion, it is good to remember some measures can be taken to reduce the use of the substance. Peer counseling should be encouraged and awareness created in school to help these teenagers. This way the teens will become more productive.

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