Saturday, September 23, 2017

Effects Of Zen Buddhism Grand Rapids

By Cynthia Myers

When practicing meditation, you can easily go about life. It also helps you get an experience of life at that particular time. Therefore, it is essential to practice Zen because it enables very many people to avoid spending most of their lives in fear and worrying about the things they have no control over. Among the monks, introspection is a crucial part of their spiritual life which enables them to have a deep insight of life. Therefore, Zen Buddhism Grand Rapids has influenced the lives of people in different ways.

Buddhism helps one have some goals in life or the need to continue living when all hope has been lost. Meditation gives you hope on a dark stormy day when you feel that your life has no beauty in it. It helps you bring the beauty back to you which is a source of joy. Therefore, there is need to open up through introspection to be able to enjoy the beauty of life.

Meditation also helps you feel more connected to other people like family and friends. This is because it reduces fear, and therefore, enabling you to stop worrying a lot and to see the beauty around you. This will create a deeper and more meaningful relationship hence easily connecting with people.

Meditation also changes the perspective about life. This occurs when you start living a life of acceptance whereby you start gaining some perspective of your everyday life. People can interpret things positively when they start accepting the daily life events. If the interpretation is made right, you can react well to every situation in life due to the many uncertainties.

Through meditation, you can respect the cultural beliefs of other people. Buddhism does not use written texts or books like other religions which end up brainwashing people in such a way that they become fanatics. This is because it teaches you to depend on self-actualization to fulfill yourself instead of relying on the religion. As a result, there is the peaceful coexistence of the various religions.

The practice also encourages self-discipline. A Buddhist is supposed to understand himself or herself, and have control of his or her actions. This way, respect for everybody is achieved. You are also able to perform well in the workplace without much monitoring because what is driving you is inside you and not from outside. Zen also lays great emphasis on honor which leads to self-actualization.

In some places, however, Buddhist teachers are not happy with most of their followers, and this is because they do not appear to have vigor and passion when practicing Buddhism. Compared to other religions that have passionate supporters, Zen seems to lack that. This might get associated with lack of written texts for the Buddhists or their culture.

An essential practice of the Buddhist is introspection and has much impact in your life if done the right way. It will help you develop you some ability to be in control and guide you on how you react to life situations however difficult they are.

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