Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Learning From Those Living The Empowered Lifestyles

By Mary Johnson

People usually gravitate to the individuals who are so enthusiastic about their lives and who seem so cool and collective even though everything around them is already collapsing. These people are not like that simply because they are living the good life or because nothing fazes them. These people are like that because they live empowered lifestyles wherein they know what is in their reach and what is not.

One of the biggest and most obvious things that one can see from these types of people is that they do not need anything to motivate them to do anything. All they need to do is want to do something and they will already work hard on it to excel in it. In order to empower oneself, this is the first step because true empowerment comes from within and not from outside factors that may or may not affect the situation.

Alongside this kind of mindset, there would also be some action that goes with it. The thing about those who believe in empowerment is that they never stop increasing their arsenal of skills. They always want to learn something new that they know will benefit them in the long run.

Another trait that these people have would be the fact that they do not really care what other people think of them. If someone does not like them, they do not really care because they are already too busy with their own lives to deal with what other people think of them. Not caring what other people think is not only a liberating step but an empowering one as well.

Of course, they still do take into consideration what people tell them. The difference would be that they are selective as to what information they process because they know that not all information is useful in their lives. With this, they know how to screen out which information will be beneficial to them and which ones will not be.

Aside from that, one will be able to see that these people are always full of energy. They just love life and are so enthusiastic about whatever they do. They are not particularly optimistic neither are they pessimistic. Basically, they know the harsh reality of life but they also know that as long as it is their own life, they have control over it.

Last of all, these type of people seem to be as cool as a cucumber pretty much all the time. This is because they know how to control the situation by focusing more on a solution than on a problem. They do not see the whole point of stressing over anything because they know that anything can be solved if something is actually done.

So as one can see, empowering is not really about being inspired by big time speakers or inspiring others. Rather, empowerment is all about taking the power from within and exuding it outward instead of getting it outward. People who live this way know that this way is the way to live an empowered life.

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