Sunday, August 5, 2018

A List Of Some Of The Prophecies About Jesus

By Carl Morris

The Christian faith is the only people who believe in Jesus as their savior. The Bible itself mentions Jesus before he is even bored. Some of the prophets in the old testament gave prophecies about his coming to the world to wash away the sins of human beings. The article describes some of the prophecies about Jesus.

It was predicted that all the nations of the world would be blessed through the lineage of Abraham. This is why Abraham is considered the father of all nations. This is according to Genesis 12:3. This prophecy did come to pass in the book of Acts 3:25-26 in the new testament, which states that all of the offspring of the prophets will be blessed through the covenants their fathers made with God.

Blessing Abraham meant that the savior of the world would have to come from his lineage. Abraham was blessed with Isaac and God used Isaac to bless the rest of the world. It may have taken centuries but somewhere along the line came the great king David whom Jesus would be associated with. Matthew1:1 refers to him as Jesus the Messiah son of David, son of Abraham.

The prophet Isaiah foretold that Son of God would be born of a virgin girl. This is in the book of Isaiah 7:14. Later in the new testament, an angel appeared to Mary the mother of Son of God and informed her she would get pregnant. She was told it would be through the power of the holy spirit. This all happened in the book of Luke 1:35.

It was foretold that at some point, the Messiah would go to Egypt. This is written in the book of Hosea 11.1. This happened almost immediately after Jesus was born and the wise men sought him. They asked about him to the then king Herod, who felt threatened by the child and ordered the killing of all baby boys below two years of age. They went back to Israel after Herod died according to matthew2:14-15.

Christ was to be inated in Bethlehem. A prophet of the lord known as Micah prophesied that he would be given in Bethlehem of Judea. This is according to the book of Micah 5:2. It eventually came to pass as the teachers of the law supported this statement by referring to the previous prophecy. He indeed would be born in Bethlehem as indicated on Matthew 2:4-6.

It is well known that the devil was the reason why humanity was kicked out of the garden of Eden. God vowed that enmity would always brew from the human beings and the agents of the devil. God, however, wanted to save humankind from eternal doom. This is why sent Son of God to destroy the work of the devil according to 1st John 3:8.

In the olden days, people would take the pure white sheep or goat young ones and offer them as a sacrifice to God. This was their way of trying to do away with their sins. Exodus 12:5. In the new testament, however, Son of God was the lamb without blemishes. He was the ultimate sacrifice and carried all of the man-kinds sins. Hebrews 9:14.

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