Saturday, August 4, 2018

Types Of Christ Prophesied In The Bible

By Stephanie Green

Is Jesus the prophesied Son of God? How is He portrayed in the two testaments? Is there a link between the old and New Testament in reference to Jesus? The answer lies in examining the types of Christ in the two testaments. The angle of the antichrist will not be explored, rather how the different manifestations are captured in the two testaments.

Tree of Life. There is a lot of reference to the tree and life in the bible. Naturally, trees are homes to animals and birds. They also are sources of food in such forms as fruits and also shelter from storms and for nesting. Genesis 2,9 indicates that God planted a tree in the middle. Revelation 22,2 says that a tree is planted by the river and bears 12 fruits. Just like Jesus, the leaves become a source of healing to nations.

The Ark. The Ark built by Noah is a symbol of salvation when everything else is drowning. This is captured in Genesis 7,16 as Noah and his family enter the ark. The gospel of John 10, 28 states that Jesus gives his followers life so that no one can snatch them. Through this life, they will not perish.

Passover Lamb. The Israelites who were saved in Egypt were asked to sacrifice a lamb without blemish. It is this act that gave them blood to mark their doors and therefore gain salvation. This is captured in Exodus 12. The New Testament in John 1,29 captures John the Baptist declaring, Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Manna. Israelites had trouble finding food in the desert. They received food in form of Manna from heaven as indicated in Exodus chapter 16. It is natural that without food there will be no life. The gospel captures Jesus declaring that he is the bread of life. The people who come to him will never go hungry or be thirsty. This is similar to the manna provided to Israelis. Those who ate manna had life.

The Rock that oozes salvation and life. When Israelites had not water, Moses was instructed to strike a rock in Exodus chapter 17. This scene is repeated at Calvary during the passion of Christ. Water comes from the side of Christ after he was speared. Reference is made again in 1st Corinthians 10 where people drank spiritual water from Christ the rock.

A temple for refuge. Safety and life in the Old Testament came from having a temple in their midst for Israelites. This is why 1st Kings 6 captures Israelites building one. However, Jesus declares in Chapter 2 of the gospel of John that if the temple was destroyed, he would rebuild it in just 3 days. He said this pointing at his death and resurrection.

The reflections of Jesus Christ in the old and new testaments are undeniable. They are so vivid that no one can mistake them. The corresponding evidence only points at Jesus the prophesied Son of God fulfilled in the New Testament.

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