Thursday, February 28, 2013

How plastic surgery sydney rescued my marriage

By Selinda Haviland

I'm writing this saga about my successful plastic surgery in order that you too may possibly be encouraged by my positive experience and know that you too can have exactly what you would like out of life.

I slimmed down quite easily right after my first two pregnancies. At that time, when Michael and Katie were born, I suppose I burned fat easier. I also think that breastfeeding promoted my loss of weight. I didn't even visit the gym but I was able to stay at 135 to 138 after the first 3 months of pregnancy. At 5 feet 6 inches, that weight felt like a good one.

Then again, during my third pregnancy with Lauren, I was about 20 years older and to my chagrin, the fat didn't burn off as efficiently. I kept gaining weight and reached over 200 pounds. How did this come about, I inquired one day. I had to keep eating I felt bad. I was an emotional mess.

Through all of this I received excellent support from my husband, John. He's continually mentioning I'm attractive and that he loves me anyway. Nonetheless, I was plainly not feeling certain regarding myself. I sensed that my husband was undeserving of the me and should enjoy better.

After I put on weight, it seemed like John didn't look at me the same as in the past. I guessed he was embarrassed by me. I began working out and watching my weight. John continued to be supportive and assisted with my work-outs, exercising and jogging by my side. I focused on eating healthy. It took a lot of struggle and self-restraint but after a little over ninety days, I dropped around FIFTY pounds.

Even though I lost a lot of weight, the fat in my abdominal area proved to be obstinate. When you look at me from the back, you'd suspect you're looking at a person in her twenties. I truly had folks tell me this, and it really was a fact. It's just the belly fat that's exposing that I've previously had three kids. Sitting down made things even worse, between my belly fat and sagging breasts, it was unquestionably tough to feel positive about myself.

I've most likely simply imagined it but it came across to me that John was usually eying other women during our jogging times in the early morning. Viewing the Olympics did not help. Those impeccable bodies in the tv became a frequent reminder of my own flaws. I relapsed into eating junk food once again and forgetting about working out completely. I thought I was really ugly.

Rapidly I lost all ground and gained every single pound back. I was depressed once more. Looking back now, my self-worth troubles must have been devastating for John. I knew if things didn't change, we were moving towards the inevitable - a divorce.

I'm uncertain exactly how it happened, but transformation started when I at long last made that unshakable decision for myself that I was definitely planning to change. With much more commitment I again started exercising and eating better. This time, my fierceness and determination translated to my exercise. I again slimmed down, back to around 145 pounds! While this was a god-send for my self-esteem, I wasn't able to get to that final result where my belly fat was gone and breasts were perky. What exactly should I do about this? Browsing the web only amplified the futility, as the only results I see are digital books promising miracle fat loss. It came down to the plain reality that the only remedy was plastic surgery.

I mentioned these facts with John. For me, I desired to look good for each of us, and for John, while not on board originally, after a bit of nudging, he agreed. I asked around and a good mate referred me to a specialist in Sydney and I couldn't be more pleased.

Now I really feel really good about myself. I'm much more confident. Most importantly, my connection with John is going tremendously well. It's going to be our 15th anniversary this June and our union is growing even better. I can say without a doubt that plastic surgery saved my marriage.

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