Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids to Help Eliminate The Symptoms of Burning and Itching

By Vernell Hunter

For a lot of women, their first experience with hemorrhoids is usually after delivering a baby. This irritating condition is usually quite common in men, particularly if they experience frequent constipation. In case you are experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids such as burning and itching in the rectal area, you may be considering finding some natural remedies for hemorrhoids.

Due to the fact one of the main irritants for this condition is the forcing and pushing linked to constipation, consuming plenty of fiber is among the most important natural remedies for hemorrhoids. Sufficient fiber in the diet can assist in softening the stool, which will reduce the need to strain when having a bowel movement. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits are great sources of fiber, and your overall diet plan should be scrutinized to find out where you can include more fiber. Keep in mind that consuming sufficient amounts of water is important, especially if you are increasing the amount of fiber in what you eat.

Probably the most common natural remedies for hemorrhoids is Witch Hazel. This is only to be used topically, and is utilized as a cream or a compress. Often, you can find it in the drugstore in the form of medicated pads to be applied to the area. It often offers an immediate relief briefly to the affected area.

Citrus fruits include a plant chemical substance referred to as bioflavonoids, which appear to be really beneficial in strengthening and stabilizing the walls of the blood vessels and in reducing apparent swelling. By increasing your the consumption of these bioflavonoids, you can improve your symptoms.

Box Holly, also referred to as Butcher's Broom has traditionally been used as one of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids for many years. It is also utilized to help treat varicose veins, as it works to improve blood circulation. Quite often, it is recommended for use as a tea or in capsule form, and can also be used topically as an ointment.

An additional natural treatment frequently used for problems with blood circulation is Horse Chestnut. This can also be consumed in a capsule or as a tea, or can be utilized topically as a compress. It is important to note that some people with allergies must not make use of this remedy and people with bleeding disorders or who are taking blood thinners for some other reasons should never take this herb. It is important to check that the products are only made from the bark and seeds of the young branches, because other portions from the plant are considered to be poisonous.

These are a few of the most common remedies for alleviating the pain from hemorrhoids distress.

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