Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Characteristics Of Self Realization Actualization

By Sherri Cohen

Many people are curious about the meaning of self realization actualization. This is a term frequently used in the discipline of psychology. Its roots go back to the late 1930's with the work of Kurt Goldstein. He began writing about the human potential for self awareness. At this time the study of the human desire to improve was in its early stages.

The ideas developed by Goldstein were further advanced by the work of Abraham Maslow. Maslow is best known for his human hierarchy of needs. After years of study and observation he felt that human beings have their basic need for food and shelter, yet the capacity for so much more. As they gradually have their more complex needs met, they are in a position to really fulfill their true potential.

One of the main characteristics of a self actualized person is their brutal honesty. They are very true to themselves and refuse to accept dishonesty in others. This is often misinterpreted as being aloof or even snobbish. In fact, it is the ability to judge people efficiently and correctly that keeps them on their path to personal awareness. They have no need for fakers and show offs, they are very comfortable and confident with their own lives and abilities.

One of the major characteristics of a self actualized person is their ability to see dishonesty in others. They are committed to the truth and are well aware of fake behavior in others. This characteristic does not always make them popular, but they are willing to stand up for what they feel is right. Interestingly, Maslow felt that only around one percent of adults reach the final step of self awareness.

Another significant characteristic is the refusal to overlook dishonesty in others. They are brutally honest in their dealings with others and do not let other peoples lies or negative attitude bring them down. Such people are often judged as harsh or uncaring. This is not the case at all, they simple refuse to allow other people's weakness to slow down their own personal journey. In many cases they are willing to end relationships that are unproductive or damaging.

Typical characteristics of highly evolved people are their love of nature. They often live very simply, yet have a heightened awareness of the forces of nature and can really appreciate it beauty. They see themselves as an integral part of the universe and as having a place in the world. Although they may well utilize all the latest technology they do not allow it to rule their lives in an unproductive way.

As people move further along the road to awareness they often develop a strong appreciation for nature. They enjoy spending time outside and value simple pleasures. They are often spontaneous, engaged and very much alive. A feeling of being one with the universe is very common. This can help them through a lot of problems and helps to maintain calm and focus on what really matters.

A true indicator of self realization actualization is the ability to enjoy peak experiences. Maslow discussed these as a defining characteristic, one that showed the individual in harmony with nature and their surroundings. These moments are profound and have very deep meaning. They can actually be life changing as they illuminate a whole new level of being.

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