Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Learn The Way Mystics Astral Project

By Richard Taylor

You can learn how to astral project. People have practiced the art of transmitting their spirit through the aether since for centuries. While it may sound complicated and mystical, it is probably easier than you think. There are a few different methods that are common. It is also good to keep in mind that people from a wide variety of faiths and traditions practice astral projection. It is a lot more common than most people expect.

Meditating can help you reach the goal of astral projection. Awareness meditation is the place most practitioners start. You can turn your attention to your breathing or an object in the room. Practice holding your attention on it. Eventually, you will find that your mind becomes very quiet. If you starting thinking to yourself again, try not to get frustrated. Just gently return your focus to the breathing or object. Once you get the hang of it, you can starting practicing send your mind to other places.

Lucid dreaming is another popular projection technique. Lucid dreaming is when you develop the skill to realize you are dreaming and exercise control over your dreams. The dream world is very close to the astral plane. You will discover that you can explore freely once you perfect your lucid dreaming technique. A good way way to start is by keeping a dream journal. That will help you remember your dreams. The better your dream memory, the easier you will find it to control your dreams.

Many people find rituals help. Rituals can appeal to spirits or angels to aid you in your quest. They also serve the simple psychological purpose of getting your mind in the right kind of head space for astral exploration. Try out different rituals and find a few that work best for you.

An experienced, wise instructor can be an invaluable asset to have. They can use their experience and knowledge to guide you along the best spiritual path for you. The best teachers will give you everything that you require to astral project safely. When you encounter some difficulties, their wisdom will prove extremely valuable.

Do not fall into the trap of believing that spiritual journeys are only for monks and mystics. Everyday folks, ranging from Wicca seekers to spiritualist Christians, engage in astral projection. It is only a means to the end of self discovery and exploring the wider world. Everyone wants to explore their spirituality and discover their hidden talents. It is okay if there are limits to what you will do. Still, take caution that you do not eliminate good possibilities for yourself. Many people find it very surprising what are comfortable with and can discover.

When projecting, there are many things you can do. You can meet spirit guides. You can commune with angels. You can find out about past lives. The possibilities are endless. Make a list of what you would like to experience and what you want out of it. This will help you create the mental state you need to engage in spiritual exploration.

Hopefully this overview has given your a better idea about astral projection. Take the time to explore the practice to see how it can work best for you. Before long, you shall be ready to astral project and expand your worldview.

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