Monday, February 18, 2013

What's The Hardest Obstacle Event Out There?

By Rob Sutter

I enjoyed "American Gladiator" and "Takeshi's Castle," amongst other shows of this nature immensely when I was growing up, mainly because of the terrific events that people took part in. The way that these men and women worked to conquer these obstacles was inspiring for some like me, who wanted to be strong like them. Now that I am older, I don't know how well I'd do if it came time to take part. There isn't a single obstacle event displayed that isn't, at least, somewhat tough.

When I was a kid and my dad took me to a gym my grandfather frequented, I could not help but find my attention drawn to the rock climbing wall in the distance. Even though I was somewhat weary when it came to heights, the truth was that the kid in me wanted to be scale to scale the wall as if I were Spider-Man. There were a number of times when I made it to the top but other times I came up short of the goal I wanted to reach. There were a few reasons why this challenge existed.

When you're talking about a difficult obstacle event, I feel like climbing this wall has a lot of potential for the spot. These walls can often become very tall and without many ledges for you to latch onto, it's clear that the level of challenge is going to climb. You may also become tired much more easily thanks to the effort it takes to climb upon this sort of wall. Athletic events the likes of Spartan Race will be able to support this kind of obstacle.

There's a level of error that may come about if the environment of an event isn't suitable. People could be playing a rousing game of football and it won't be long until a storm occurs, the impending rain changing the game to a great degree. If people are running across the surface, it's possible that people are going to fall more often and potentially suffer from injuries. It's a level of challenge that rests on the shoulders of nature more than any factor which people can help.

When it comes to obstacle events that TV programs like these have showcased, there isn't one that seems to be a cakewalk. Perhaps it's for the betterment of the audience because tougher challenges are going to keep people tuned in so that someone may, one day, overcome them. You're not going to want to get behind someone who's running through an easy set of trials, will you? We want to see these runners and competitors thrive, no matter how great the challenge may be.

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