Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Traveling Pastor And Their Missions

By Alyssa Riggs

Over the decades, religions have grown popular due to the efforts in seeking followers by preaching their messages all over world. A traveling pastor in Christianity is a representative of an evangelical ministry who volunteers to go out to the world and preach the word as the bible commands. Spreading the good news to people across the various nations in the world is the missions of evangelical ministries, and as hard as it might seem at time they have always managed to do this.

At times, evangelists are mocked by the very same people that they try to help, but because of the love they have for them, this does not turn them down. Instead, they are motivated to keep on with their mission so as to rescue such souls. It is for this reason that one needs to receive some training before going on these missions so as to prepare them for such incidences.

Leaving your home, friends and family and choosing to move to a new environment is not easy, but as the bible documents, Christians have the duty to continue with the mission that Christ left his disciple, which is of spreading the good news across the world. Volunteering for these missions is at time difficult as one is expected to leave their lives and go on a rescue mission for people that are unaware of their help they need.

Today, technology has eased the work of some of these evangelical ministries because churches are now able to use the media to reach out to people all over the globe. The internet has also been extremely helpful in ensuring that people across the world receive messages from various churches and Christian movements.

Historically, Jesus is the best example of evangelism and how evangelists are supposed to handle themselves. Having persevered mockery, and the worst temptations, Jesus still stick to his mission and never gave up on the sinners. It is because of him that Christians believe that everything is possible. However, even when one is trying to reach out to the sinners, one should be cautious as there is a chance of backsliding when working in the secular world.

Majority of people refuse to admit that they are sinners because they have a mentality whereby they believe that people who follow laws are good enough to deserve the kingdom of God. As law abiding as they may be, this attitude may prevent them from inheriting the kingdom of God; it is for this reason that evangelists are handy as they can help these individual have a better perspective of the world helping them live a righteous life.

These missions require resources such as money for food, shelter and transport. One can never depend on well-wishers especially when in a foreign land; people do not always turn out as they expected. Therefore, donations from church, members or even sponsors are highly valued as they are the backbone of these missions.

People who tend to disregard what preachers say usually have a part of them deep inside that believes in God, but choose to ignore it. A traveling pastor in this case is expected to assist such people to see life with a different perspective by sharing with them the greatness they find by having a relationship with God.

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