Friday, April 26, 2013

The Importance Of DISC Personality Test

By Cherry Mercer

A personality test is a valuable tool that is used to find out traits about an individual. It can be very useful for those in management positions to get a good understanding of a person's strong and weak traits. There are many different personality tests. The DISC personality test is recognized as one of the most accurate.

The name of the test comes from the four traits that a person can fall under. Dominance, Inducement, Submission and Compliance make up the DISC part of the DISC personality test name. It was based on the theory of psychologist William Marston. Another psychologist, Walter Vernon Clarke, developed it based on the theories of Willam Marston. Over time, it was developed even further by John Geier.

Many companies find the DISC screening challenge to be very helpful in their screening process. They are very useful to give a first insight and understanding of an applicant. The test will ask a variety of questions to attain results. There are never any right or wrong answers and applicants are always encouraged to tell the truth when they are answering the questions. The employer does not want an applicant to fill in the answers that they think the employer wants them to fill out. By answering honestly, an employer will be able to tell what positions a person would be best suited at.

Students often find these test very useful for their educational direction. It can influence them in what career path they should take. A student who produces a strong score in a particular trait will do better in certain classes than others. It is important for students to know what career paths they should pursue. It is even more important for them to know the career paths to avoid.

Scores are analyzed based on dominance, inducement, submission and compliance. Those who score high in the dominance factor will possess a very strong drive in life. They will be very active in tackling problems and will welcome new challenges in life. They are strong willed individuals, very determined and can be very demanding when they want something done. Those who score low in the dominance factor are people who will take time and do research before attacking a problem. They are seen as more conservative, modest and peaceful.

Inducement is the second trait that is analyzed. A high score will show that a person is strongly influential to those who cross their path. Their hard work will rub off on those around them. A low score will indicate that a person needs facts and figures to prove things. Speculating and guessing are never an option.

The submission part of the test is sometimes substituted as steadiness. A high score here will place a person as being calm, relaxed and very predictable. A sudden change can make them uncomfortable. Low scorers are the complete opposite and love changes in life. These people are eager, restless and impulsive.

The fourth trait that is analyzed is compliance. Those with high scores tend to be those who like to get things done the first time they do it. They are careful and cautious about making mistakes. The low scorers are people who want self independent and do not pay much attention to detail. Some will describe them as stubborn and overly opinionated people. By giving people important insight about a person, the DISC personality test has proven to be a very valuable tool.

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