Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Our Thoughts Are Energy - The Science of Getting Rich

By Marvin R. Wilcox

We now know scientifically that the atoms that make up our body (or anything else) are way less than 1% physical matter, and more than 99% energy. It is hard to believe that everything is held together with an invisible force field of sorts. It all sounds a little more science fiction than science fact. But it is true. Ourselves and everything around us is made up of mostly energy.Now Wattles calls this formless substance a "thinking stuff" and a "formless intelligence". And because it is a substance that thinks, it is influenced by our thoughts. And because it is influenced by our thoughts, we can use our thoughts to connect with formless substance and manifest what we want.
[The 11 forgotten laws]

He explains that universal mind underlies and permeates all creation. Through the process of visualization we can engage the law of attraction impressing our thoughts upon formless substance and bringing the desired object or circumstances into material form. You must be ready to control the ancient secret powers within you.There is a power which never fails to present opportunity to the person who is moving in obedience to the Law.You can also help yourself in this through subliminal mind programming techniques.By living in accordance with the positive principles outlined in this book we can find our rightful place in the cosmic scheme and create for ourselves an environment in which to grow in wealth wisdom and happiness.Think about what you really want in life and then start to work on emotionally aligning with your own expanded universe. This belief is still very much alive and kicking today, be it through politics, organised religion, our peers or close family members.

So, if you are ready to make that mind leap then read this absolutely fascinating book, it teaches the importance of focused attention, and the importance of going out and doing something rather than wishfully hoping for wealth to come your way. Take positive action now.All that is has been created through thought; man also has the power to create through his thoughts; by choosing e.g. wealth, the universe expands (which is its natural order); to manifest what you have expanded from the non-physical into the physical reality, you do so through internal mental techniques such as visualisation, vibrational alignment, faith and gratitude.

Second, Many well-known Law of Attraction theories are based on this exact Science of Getting Rich book, now available to you in PDF. Ronda Rhymes, author of the unbelievable success The Secret, refers to this book as one of the turning point of her life. The same thing is true of Bob Proctor, also a very successful Law of Attraction guru. Even those who don't explicitly talk about The Science of Getting Rich were greatly inspired by it. If you have read other books about the power of the mind, you surely noticed that they are very similar to the original book by Wallace D. Wattles, written in 1910. The vast majority of other theories were greatly influenced by The Science of Getting Rich, available for everyone in PDF.

Third, Where other teach that you can control everything with your mind, The Science of Getting Rich insists on taking ACTIONS. Wallace D. Wattles is clear about this fact in 2 chapters called "Acting in a Certain Way" and "Efficient Action". In fact, Wattles even warns us against the temptation of relying solely on the power of the mind to attract riches to our life. According to the author of The Science of Getting Rich, the lack of focus on Actions is the most important reason why so many other theories about the power of the mind fail. As Mr. Wattles says it, by cultivating a certain state of mind, you may "attract" the things you want... but it is only through efficient actions that you will get what you want. The Science of Getting Rich doesn't ask people to work like workaholics, but to act efficiently.

Fourth, The last key element of The Science of Getting Rich is its central focus on getting rich. Mr. Wattles didn't want us to be contented with a little. The PDF book does not suggest that being really rich means having great friends, family, a great spiritual life, being healthy, or else. The book talks about getting rich. That's it. Sure, some will find that the same principles could be applied to other aspects of their life. Sure, some will feel more calm and at peace when reading the PDF of The Science of Getting Rich. It's perfectly fine. Mr. Wattles, however, by writing The Science of Getting Rich book, wanted us to become really rich, financially, and not only emotionally of spiritually.

The thing to realize is the visioning process doesn't end with pictures, it encompasses all senses. If one of your goals is a new car, can you hear the sound of the door closing as you climb in? Notice the new car smell, can you see yourself in the car? Now hear the key slide into the ignition and hear the motor start, feel how it feels to accelerate, how it handles on the road. Wattles says in chapter 12:

Man has the power of thought to cause the formation of things and cause tangible results. To do things in a Certain Way, you have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think. In other words, having the right mindset is the first step toward getting rich.You are neither destined to be poor nor rich. Life's purpose is increasing life so we must get rich, so that we can live more. We must become creators rather than competing for what is already created. Supply is unlimited according to Wattles. So never allow yourself think for an instant that all the best building spots will be taken before you're ready to build your house, unless you hurry!

How riches come to you is if your business transactions operate on the basis of fair exchange i.e. you give the buyer something of greater use value than the cash value you take. In addition, we must ask largely for what we want, have a clear picture in our mind and claim it as if it were already ours. In other words, we must dream big, see it clearly and behave as if we have already achieved the thing we desire in order for it to be. This is possibly the most powerful concept in the book and is explored in other books such as The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill.A mental attitude of gratitude can be the one thing missing from people who live their lives rightly in all other. This lack of gratitude keeps them in poverty. Gratitude will ensure your thinking is that of supply as unlimited. Faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind expects good things, and expectation becomes faith. It's good to cultivate the habit of gratefulness and give thanks continuously. It can be a good idea to keep a gratitude diary on your bedside table and writing 3 things daily that you are grateful for. This will bring you into harmonious relations with the good in everything, and the good in everything will move toward you.

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