Friday, May 31, 2013

Save Labor With A Bedding Sifter

By Rena Hudson

Caring for horses, particularly if you have several to look after, can be a rewarding thing, but it can also be a tiring, messy job. One of the most time-consuming things you need to do if you are in this position is to clean out their stalls and make sure they have fresh materials available. By using a bedding sifter, this process becomes much quicker and easier.

This product's purpose is to take soiled bedding and separate it into two parts. First, there is the actual bed material, and second, there is the manure that mixes in with it during everyday use. Obviously, it is possible to do this manually, but it takes a great deal of time and exhaustive labor, so having a machine that can make the process easier is a very welcome thing.

Individual horse owners as well as businesses will find these tools equally useful. For larger commercial farms, they can be used to relieve the burden on workers, freeing them up to spend more time on other tasks, and for individuals, the sometimes overwhelming chore of cleaning stalls can be made much simpler. No matter how many horses are involved, sifters can help a great deal.

Simply removing soiled bedding and replacing it with fresh material would rapidly get very pricey if done repeatedly. While this will obviously still be needed sometimes, sifters allow it to be reused once it is cleaned, so that the cost of new shavings is greatly reduced. Cleanliness is still observed, but expenses are kept down, too.

The manure, some people might be surprised to learn, can often be just as useful as the bedding after a sifter gets through with it. This is because it can be very effective as fertilizer. Since it is common for horses to be housed on farms, which can get a great deal of use out of such a product, this is yet another way that they can keep costs down and profits up.

Most sifters are reasonably priced, particularly given the amount of labor and other costs they will save in the long run. They are also quite simple to operate, so no training on complex pieces of machinery will be needed. Anyone can easily get the full benefits out of one, and will be sure to see a reduction in his or her work load immediately.

Most of these machines are fairly compact, but of course, it will depend on the situation it needs to cover as to exactly how large or small it should be. Numerous different types are available, so if you have stalls that this product would be good for, consider how much volume you want it to handle. Obviously, larger businesses and farms will get more use out of a larger one, or perhaps several smaller ones.

The benefits of owning a bedding sifter are clear whether you own one horse or a large number of them. Their stalls will be cleaner, which will make them happy, and the labor needed to keep them that way will be much less, making you happy as well. Save time and money by including one in your daily operations.

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