Sunday, May 26, 2013

What You Need To Know About Solar Lighting Systems

By Tisha Greer

One of the best ways to cut down on energy bills is to install solar lighting systems at home, in industries and institutions among other establishments. The government, together with some non-governmental organizations, is offering incentives to people and corporations that want to install these systems. The incentives are meant to lower the cost of procuring and installing the necessary fixtures.

The basic components of a solar-based lighting system include a photovoltaic module, battery, charge controller, inverter, electrical conductors, switches and energy efficient light bulbs. An inverter is sometimes not necessary since there are bulbs that can operate on direct current from the battery. The charge controller ensures that only the right voltage level is used to charge the battery.

Energy efficient light bulbs are normally used in this type of system. However, LEDs have also become very popular. These lamps can produce very bright light without drawing too much power from the battery pack.

The main function of the battery or accumulator is to store electrical energy produced by the solar panel during the day. Batteries are normally rated in terms of Ampere-hours or Ah. A 100Ah battery can power a 2A load for 5 hours continuously. When buying a battery, the power output of the photovoltaic module must be considered. It is always advisable to consult experts in the field prior to purchasing and installing such a system.

When wiring is being done for this type of system, thick wires are normally used. This is because thin wires have high resistance which leads to increased power losses. On the other hand, wires that have larger cross-sectional areas have lower electrical resistance, so they have lower power losses along the conductor. It is important to note that the cost of wires is dependent on their thickness. This means thicker wires are more expensive. An expert therefore needs to be hired to determine the best type of wiring for your system.

Photovoltaic modules are basically a set of solar cells which produce electrical energy when exposed to direct sunlight. A cell is simply a photosensitive diode. All the cells are connected to make up the photovoltaic module and the cumulative power generated tapped using two conductors.

Over the last few years, photovoltaic technology has improved significantly. This has led to the reduction of weight and size of photovoltaic panels. Modern manufacturing technology has also made it possible for manufacturers to sell panels at lower prices without reducing their profits. As more and more consumers buy these panels, manufacturers can also afford to reduce prices because of the benefits of economies of scale.

Some establishments and homes have separate wiring for solar lighting systems and mains while others use the same wiring with either an automatic or manual changeover mechanism. Both of these options have their own benefits. For instance, using the same wiring reduces installation costs but power losses may be higher because of the thin wires. On the other hand, wiring the solar-based system separately will lead to higher installation costs. With professional advice, you will be able to make the right decision.

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