Sunday, May 19, 2013

Using Vintage Garage Signs In Your Home

By Kathryn Neal

Retro decoration is a fun and unique way to express your style, and for those who love vintage cars, the inclusion of vintage garage signs is a natural fit. If you have a space to decorate that sounds right for this, you should definitely consider making them a part of your plans. They make any room from a garage to a den look amazing.

The first place most people think about displaying vintage garage signs is, obviously, in or around a garage. If you find the perfect one, whether it is something you remember from childhood or just something that catches your eye, it can really make the place you keep your car into something more. If you own a vintage automobile as well, then you should definitely consider making its parking spot more suitable to its time period.

Although garages are a natural fit for these types of decorations, there are many more options to display them. Home bars and dens also look great with the addition of a sign, as do outdoor locations like work sheds. Get creative as you find all kinds of spots you can accessorize.

Regardless of the location you choose for your new signs, you must select the type that will go there before you can place them. You may opt for a metal sign, which is relatively easy to obtain and tends to be less expensive. For a truly special touch, though, the ones which include neon lighting will stand out in any room. They can get quite expensive, but if you find one you love, it will be worth it.

You will also need to choose the source of your sign. Original pieces can be very difficult to find in good condition, but true collectors may find them worth pursuing. Replicas are generally easier to find and much less expensive, so they are a good place to start. They are also usually easier to deal with if there is a specific company or brand whose sign you want to display.

When you know what you want and how much you are willing to spend, you need to seek out a dealer who has your product in stock. There is a huge variety of options available online, many of which have high quality products at bargain prices. The convenience may be the best part, as you will not have to go hunting all over town to get your choice delivered straight to you.

It can also be quite fun to browse antiques markets to see what they have available. Although selections here are not always guaranteed, as they are with online retailers, there is always the chance of coming up with a hidden gem, sometimes at an amazing value. If you are persistent, the things you find can be quite surprising!

Whether you hang a single sign in your garage or choose a variety to liven up a room, vintage garage signs are a great way to explore a new look. Check out some photos online or browse vintage car shows for some inspiration, and then let your imagination run wild. Your family and friends are sure to love the results of your efforts when you invite them to see the end product.

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