Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Application Of Custom Upholstery Is The Way To Go

By Frances Keith

Traveling from store to store in search of the perfect furnishings seldom produces the expected result. This applies most often to those who do not want rooms that are commonplace or bland. The colors and patterns you seek must be colorful and bright with patterns seldom seen. You live and think outside the box and custom upholstery can bring your furniture there with you.

A persons individual taste is hard to match in ready made products. For most, it works just fine with all the styles there are to choose from in the furnishings that are on the showroom floor. Yet, as nice as these are, they just do not seem to ring with that something extra you were hoping to find.

There is no reason why you have to settle for bland. Even ready made sets have at least one piece that acts as a catalyst to the others. Call some high end stores and inquire whether they have trained personnel in mixing and matching prints and materials. Based on the information you give them, these people will work with you until you have selected those special fabrics you have been searching for.

It is a good thing to bring the room dimensions with you. Do a layout of the room on a piece of paper marking windows, doors, and the general placement of the present pieces. This will work as a draft for the trained associate to work with. Your thoughts and ideas will be much more easily understood. You may wish to begin by selecting fabric finish and move on to color choices and designs. Little by little your room will begin to take shape and an internet composition can be put together.

If this manner of working should result in making no decisions, these same people will come into your home. Once there, they will be better able to imagine the specifics you are eluding to. If necessary turn your project over to the professional along with your specific likes and dislikes and the will most likely be able to put together designs that are exactly what you are seeking.

Perhaps you already have top of the line furniture in your possession. It is a set that you purchased a number of years ago and the upholstery is beginning to show signs of wear and tear or you simply are ready for a change. Picking out a new fabric and allowing time for it to arrive can mean a completely new looking set withing a period of under six weeks in most cases.

Do not limit yourself to just living room pieces. Dining chair seats can be redone along with any piece of furniture in your home regardless of the room it belongs in. The same fabric can be sewn up in curtains and bedspreads. The ideas are only as endless as you choose them to be.

Upon completion, your new decor will be the envy of all those who enter. It will be hard to convince them that you did not hire an expensive interior designer to do all of the work for you. This goes to show that a bit of ingenuity will go a long way in making your design sense a simple matter of custom upholstery.

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