Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Using The Garmin Tracking Collar

By Jennie Sandoval

Hunters frequently use dogs to assist them in locating and tracking game, and consider them to be an important part of their favorite activity. Without the use of modern GPS technology, however, it can be difficult to know where those dogs are at all times. Fortunately, the Garmin tracking collar can eliminate those worries by helping hunters keep a close eye on their dogs.

Most people already know that GPS is a useful tool in getting directions for your car, but it can be equally beneficial in tracking the dogs that help on hunts. Using this technology in collars means that no matter where dogs go, hunters can easily follow after them. Their locations will always be known, and the easiest route to reach them will never be in doubt.

If dogs are allowed to go at their own pace, without the fear that they will get too far away from their owner, they will be able to more effectively track game. This means that the dog will be happier, as it will have greater freedom in its work. You will be happier too, because your hunting trips will be more successful as a result.

This two-part system includes one piece worn by the dog and a second held by the hunter. The first piece, the dog's collar, is where all of the information is collected. From location to current state of motion, everything is gathered by GPS satellites and sent to the second piece, which is the hunter's handheld.

The handheld GPS unit is the piece carried by the hunter, and receives, via radio signals, all of the information sent by the dog's collar. It is able to display detailed maps with the dog's route, current location, and distance from its owner. With so much data on easy-to-read screens, hunters will always know where their dogs are leading them.

Using multiple dogs with this type of system is incredibly easy. In fact, up to ten dogs can be tracked by the GPS handheld at any time, and each one has its individual information clearly displayed along with each of the others. Hunters will love how easy it is to distinguish between the paths taken by each dog, and will find it very useful to know which one has gone in what direction without any confusion.

Customization is an important part of any system like this, and hunters will be extremely pleased with all of the options available. The handheld's interface can be set up with exactly the information that you want, so that nothing unnecessary clutters up the screen. The types of maps and path displays can be combined in many different ways, so each hunter can experiment to find the most efficient setup for him or her.

All hunters who use dogs should invest in a Garmin tracking collar to make their hunts easier and more enjoyable. It will make trips far more fruitful, and dogs will love the added freedom that the system provides them. Try one for yourself and see how much it benefits you in your hunting trips.

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