Sunday, October 20, 2013

Buy Gluten Free Food

By Eva Whyte

What is all the hype about gluten-free? It seems that everywhere there is talk about this new diet. Is it a fad and a craze that will simply go away? For those who suffer from gluten sensitivities, it is an actual issue that can sometimes be extremely dangerous. No, it is not a fad or craze for them, but a new way of life and a new way of eating. To begin their lifestyle changes, they must answer the question: What are gluten-free foods?[
[Gluten Free Foods]

Gluten consists of two main compounds, glutelin and gliadin. Its the substance which gives elasticity to dough and gives the sticky texture to the dough when kneaded. Gluten intolerance causes all kinds of symptoms including: headaches, migraines, exhaustion, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation/diarrhea, joint pain, and anemia, to name just a few. Any processed foods made from wheat, rye or barley should be strictly avoided.

There is one tip that has helped me to fully comprehend gluten-free foods. If the food is in its original natural state, then I will always know what is in it. This way, I do not have to look on the back of the container to find the "Gluten-free" title following a lengthy list of ingredients. When purchasing food, chicken is chicken and broccoli is broccoli. That knowledge simplifies my shopping experience.

Luckily for those who find themselves unable to eat gluten based foods, there are now many gluten free products on the market. Gluten free breads are available that are made of rice, millet, almonds, soy and other non-gluten grains.Rice is a common grain which is known to be devoid of gluten. Rice can be substituted over gluten based foods. Substances like beer and whiskey which are brewed with fermented wheat, are definitely gluten foods and should be avoided. Wine could be an alternate to beer. And there are now some gluten free beer products on the market.

Most people who are allergic to gluten need to make a few trips to the grocery stores just to be able to buy the food that does not lead to any sensitive reactions. If you find this quite inconvenient, you can choose to shop for your favorite gluten-free choices on the web. It is an inexpensive, easy, and hassle-free way to find your favorite fare without sacrificing on your nutritional intake or making the wrong choices.

I do not always go without flour. There are days when I need some gluten-free flour products to fill the cravings of the past. I still love to eat spaghetti and that requires gluten-free noodles. I have found a great brand of noodles that cook well and do not compromise flavor. Then, I add a green salad and a fruit (if I am not too full from the spaghetti and the salad).What about dessert? Don't most desserts contain gluten? The answer is YES! It is more challenging to cook homemade desserts. They are not as moist as wheat filled desserts. Occasionally, I find myself craving a homemade cake or banana cream pie. This brings on a desire to begin a baking adventure. For these recipes, I use a gluten-free flour blend to replace wheat flour and coconut milk to replace dairy products. They end up being sweet enough to fill my craving for a flour filled treat.

We live in a gluten filled world. That does not mean that there is not an abundance of gluten-free foods. Proteins, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds are a great beginning, and if you get creative, gluten-free flour blends can replace wheat flours in all kinds of recipes. There is one tip that has benefitted me the most in the transition to my new diet. If the food is in its natural state, then it is simple to deduct whether it will work or not (all wheat flours are out of the question). This knowledge will help many to avoid perusing packages through long lists of ingredients and ease confusion.

Because of the potential hazards of processed foods, many of those who suffer from gluten intolerance have abandoned pre-packaged foods altogether. Today, there's no longer a reason for those diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity to be restricted to preparing and cooking everything they consume themselves. National grocery chains are responding to the demand for products safe for those with celiac disease by offering foods distributed by wholesale gluten-free food manufacturing companies.

Finding these specialized foods, though, can be tricky. They aren't usually placed with their gluten-filled cousins. Instead, they are usually given their own section, which is usually pretty small. If you don't know this, you might spend a lot of time looking from shelf to shelf, trying to find gluten-free alternatives for common foods, such as cereals.Don't hesitate to ask a grocery employee where they keep the gluten-free foods as soon as you get to your grocery store. Doing so will save you a lot of time and frustration.

Some traditional foods found in the grocery store frozen food sections are naturally free of glutens, but shoppers still need to check labels carefully to ensure the absence of ingredients containing them. Frozen vegetables, fruits, fish, meats and poultry with no additives or sauces are safe to eat, as are dessert items like ice cream and sherbets. Some supermarkets offer frozen foods in a special frozen food section, sometimes designated with a "natural foods" sign.While shoppers can feel confident about buying foods produced by companies that specialize in offering gluten-free foods, they need to be wary about conventional food manufacturers jumping on the celiac bandwagon. Some companies label their foods as "wheat-free," a label that holds no guarantee that the foods are safe for those diagnosed with celiac disease to eat. Foods that are labeled "gluten-free" are a safer choice.

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