Saturday, October 26, 2013

Excellent Health With Energy Healing Charlottesville

By Cornelia Reyes

Experts in energy healing Charlottesville services offer alternative or complementary therapy to relief pain and heal various forms of wounds. This is achieved through tapping into the natural pools and channels that are all over the body. This technique is used in such procedures as Qi Gong, Reiki, Tai Chi and acupuncture. The aim is to direct the flow of energies through the body.

The philosophy behind this method of healing is that, diseases arise when the flow of energy around the body is blocked. Any imbalance in flow leads to deficiency and eventual sickness. For a person to feel well, the blockage must be removed to allow clear flow to all parts of the body. This will cause the body to heal naturally. Experts in this field have as an example defined depression as a disconnection of physical from inner body.

The procedures used in this branch of medicine do not deliver results immediately. The assistance of self healing techniques like toe tapping are combined to make the processes effective. Experts suggest that the energies that run the human body do not originate from within. They are tapped from natural magnetic fields of the earth.

Disruption of perfect flow through blocked channels is the origin of chronic pain. Inflammations occur when the energy cannot find its way around the body. Experts suggest that pain is not situated at the affected area. This means that pain at the toe could have its source on the shoulders. The toe could be blocking its flow. Anxiety is likely to lead to unhealthy addiction as well.

Therapy is conducted in a number of ways depending on the condition and environment. They include hand-on contact, hand-off contact and distant or absent contact. Physical presence of the therapist is crucial but not a must. The session can be carried out over the phone where a patient shares about his condition. Some of the details include what is happening in his life and areas where improvements are needed. It is through the conversation that they will identify areas where there is a problem and correct it.

For physical issues, a discussion on the origin, duration, symptoms and general condition is necessary. The session also focuses on any other therapy or medication you could be taking to correct the same situation. The aim is to build a complementary and supportive team that ensures holistic healing.

It is common for therapists to turn to massage as a way to deal with a number of conditions. It helps to balance, repair, clear and strengthen the pools and channels of energy. Successful distance or phone therapy requires a quiet, controlled and comfortable environment. All disruptions and distractions should be avoided.

Energy healing Charlottesville also targets emotional issues like depression, changes in life including divorce, career shift, death and terminal illnesses, among others. There is a need to hold a candid discussion about your past with the aim of filling empty spaces left along the way. Such evaluation helps the patient to change his line of thought and decision making. Every detail shared is regarded as private and confidential.

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