Thursday, October 31, 2013

Discover Helpful Memory Improvement Techniques Anyone Can Use

By Zoe Smith

I have a friend who always, ALWAYS forgets where she puts her car keys. And then when she goes out to the mall, she forgets where she parked her car. It sometimes takes her an hour just to search out which side of the building she parked at. Forgetfulness makes for funny stories, but at the moment-it is frustrating to the person who can't remember. If this is you, then you are in the right place. Here are excellent memory improvement techniques that will help you in your daily life.

While a few people are born with a lower IQ, the majority of us have a good working brain sitting squarely on our shoulders. Many times we need to just exercise our mental muscles, or we need to find the right tools in developing our minds. For some, thinking is too boring and reminds them too much of school. The people who think this are the stupid ones. You can have a much better life when you learn how to concentrate and have a sharper memory.

You have just taken the first step which is to be willing to learn more about memory enhancement. What are you interested in studying particularly? Is it a subject you have to learn, a speech you have to make, or do you just want to remember stuff better? When you have a desire towards something and you are not merely obligated to do it, then learning is so much easier and faster.

OK that makes sense- but what if whatever you need to learn is dull and unexciting? How can you get excited to learn about that? Well, you have imagination don't you? Use it! Construct hilarious scenarios, exaggerated images and vivid scenes that will help you remember what you need to remember. Incorporate sounds, smells and touch to the picture.

The clearer and more personal it is, the higher the chances of remembrance. More than half of the people in the world are visual learners. This means that an effective way for them to retain information is through the use of diagrams, charts, illustrations and pictures. Auditory learners on the other hand, find spoken lectures more helpful in keeping in the data. Mnemonics or memory tools can be employed to improve memory.

Perhaps one of the best memory improvement techniques is to teach someone else what you have just learned. When you do, you have a 70% chance of retaining the information better. Even better is when you show someone else what to do-that bumps your memory retention up to 90%.

Another essential aspect of brain development is a healthy diet and lifestyle. Don't expect to have a sharp and focused mind with only 3 hours of sleep. Specialty stores offer vitamins and dietary supplements that specifically work to improve brain function. There are also alternative medical treatments for memory problems that people with more serious issues can use.

Somebody said, I think therefore I am-so what are you thinking about? Develop yourself spiritually, emotionally and mentally and enjoy a better version of yourself today!

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