Friday, January 31, 2014

Advantages Of Enhanced Owner's Title Insurance Florida Policies

By Serena Price

Some of the most popular questions surround enhanced owners title insurance Florida policies include what they are, when they should be used and the additional coverage they offer purchasers. However, it is important to mention that every underwriter of such a policy has his or her own exceptions, coverage and guidelines. Below are some of the general benefits you are likely to reap with this product.

If you have the enhanced policy and you buy any residential real property, you are able to access additional coverage. This policy provides more coverage for greater risk which you will not get in a standard policy. This additional coverage increases the premium to 20 percent than the existing rate but this is paid yearly at a 10 percent rate to ease the financial burden on the purchaser.

An enhanced policy is issued when a property that needs to be insured in condominium units, improved residential subdivision lots or 1-to-4 family property. The underwriting requirements and examination process is just about the same as that of the standard policy. Special assessments and all taxes that are due should be paid at closing, improvements need to be cleared and the property ought to be occupied as a residence.

One does not need to do any survey on the property though you have to include the street address on your levy records to match the street address on the property lending documents. If you have any exceptions, they have to be noted when showing the actual information which is contrary to the extra coverage offered. As the buyer or seller, you are supposed to execute an affidavit by use of specific language which directly points out any latent defect problem.

These enhanced policies provide a host of benefits. The policy provides you with both vehicular and legal pedestrian access to the land. It will also insure against any type of loss that is likely to arise from mechanic lien claim that arises prior to and or after the policy date unless the insured agrees to pay for material and labor.

This policy helps you in the event you are forced to demolish any structure, excluding the boundary fence or wall, extending to the land adjoining yours or any easement. It also covers against any losses where there were restriction violation brought out on the policy exceptions, or against existing zoning law. It also covers the land loss where there was a violation of zoning ordinance.

Some of the extra benefits include loss due to violations of prior restrictive covenants as indicated in the exceptions, which could result to the loss of land, inability to sell the property and loss due to enforcement processes. For investors purchasing rehabilitated homes, if the contractor working on the house is not paid by the seller by closing date a lien can be placed on the property. An enhanced policy can provide cover against the lien even when filed after you have purchased the house.

The enhanced policy also provides a number of post title insurance Florida coverage which will protect you when you build a structure aside from the boundary wall or fence. It also provides coverage against post-policy forgery by which the other party is able to claim the interest on the property. In case you need any help, it is important to get in touch with an attorney responsible for closing to get specific features.

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