Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finding Vintage Signs For Sale

By Judy Sullivan

There are not many differences between the vintage signs for sale that were made before WWII and the ones that were made afterwards. The main difference between the two is the type of metal used. After the war the steel sign technique became too expensive to make and manufacturers changed to tin. Recently, companies have begun to build replicas of signage from seventy years ago.

The holes in the corners serve to age the sign as well as give the owner a means of hanging it for display. A sign made prior to world war-II will be made of twenty four gage steel and the enamel and porcelain finish will appear as bright and glossy as the day it was made. After the war was over companies changed to less expensive metal for the signs and continued the enamel and porcelain paint and finish to keep the eye popping colors in the ads.

The companies that create the reproductions artificially age them so that they appear to be older than they are. This is accomplished by letting the pieces rust and then punching holes in the corners to facilitate hanging on the wall. Many collectors use these items for decorating the walls in their dens or garages. Cars and automotive related items are some of your most sought out items by collectors.

There are twelve unique types of sign that can be purchased. Many of these are made from glass and neon gas. The range of materials used covers virtually anything flat that can be painted, drawn on or pictures and printed words displayed. Some of the more available collectibles might be push plates from doors or self framed items that hang independently on walls. Coke is one of your more prolific advertisers available with serving trays, wall hangings, trolley cards and porcelain enamel items that are virtually weather proof.

By far the most popular type of collectible sign is metal. It does not matter if it is a reproduction or an original to many collectors. Over the years metal sign advertising has diminished in popularity amid the barrage of other options available but their charm and artistry never fail to remind us of days gone by.

Flea markets, yard sales and thrift stores are three very good places to find the perfect sign for your den or kitchen. You may also stumble onto a treasure at any of these sites and find a rare and original item. Some originals have been sold for thousands of dollars.

An old fashioned country store can be one of your best places to find hidden treasure. Many times there are old signs nailed to a wall in or outside the shop that are there because nobody has bothered to take them down. They may be for sale if you ask the right person and offer to take them down.

When collecting vintage signs for sale you have a lot of choices of how you collect. You can gather everything you can find on one type of item or one name brand. Another method is to collect anything that appeals to you at the moment so long as your budget and wall space can support the new item you choose.

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