Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How To Make A Position In The Environmental Firms.

By George Dodson

You have an intention of getting job in a sector related to environment and have graduated in a recent time. What are you planning to do next? Getting a job is not going to be easy even though 44% percent of employers are planning to hire new employees for their companies and another 14% of total employees are leaving the field for good.

To help you get the first job in environmental field with an easier transition, we have brought to you some tips that will be helpful in future.

From the research of Canada's 2010 Profile of Canadian Environmental Employment, most of the employer are going to hire graduates based on social networks and on relationships with the present employees. 44% of the employers are more likely to hire employees from internal connections and other 65% like to hire through references available, as these are the most popular and easier way of hiring. Making relations with current employees in the environmental sector is very important and you can easily understand that, but how can you do that? By connecting with others through different type of networking you can make your face known in the environmental sector. You can meet professionals and get better knowledge from them by attending the conferences occurring in a large number each year in different places of the county.

Associations working in environmental field may offer you to get connected with individuals in this industry through their forum. Post-secondary students are offered with a discount by some of the associations.

Among the best methods of recruiting which can be found in the profile of Canadian Environmental Employment, internships and similar terms are getting popular. You can participate in those programs to get better idea about the environmental field and to show your passion for working in this sector even without any long term commitment and in this way employer can decide how you are going to be as an employee. You can make connections with professionals once you get experience in this field which is very important and then you can hope for a long term position in this sector.

Through the internship programs offered by ECO Canada, fresh graduates can meet professionals in this field and can also get paid around $12,000 in a year. The program inspires companies working in the field of environment to hire new interns at a lower cost and in this way it influence the increment of chance of a graduates being hired.

If you are a school going student and willing to get experience before your graduation, you are highly recommended to talk to your career center for getting involved in any co-operative program. A co-op programs allows you to attend your classes alternating time with your works but as an intern you are not able to do it.

So far you have been able to get a job only using a very attractive resume. Touch of green is needed in your resume to get hired in this sector.

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