Friday, January 24, 2014

Be Confident And Don't Second Guess Yourself When Attracting Beautiful Women.

By Jorge Lynn

Let us discuss a bad habit that really hurts men when they're trying to attract sexy girls. If you are over thinking the conversation that you're having with a beautiful girl, you will probably end up blowing it with her.

Here's the deal. Trying to not make any mistakes with the hot girl is really what makes you think so much. And believe me hot girls are really good when it comes to picking up those nervous signals you're sending her.

This is basically unattractive behavior. And of course you don't want the hot girl you are chatting to, to see you as an unattractive guy. Girls fall for certain kinds of guys. And being confident is what makes those men so successful with sexy women.

The guys that are able to switch off that part of their mind are the ones that get the beautiful girls. Worrying about whether you should say or do something is exactly what stops the interaction from moving forward. All of those thoughts are just noise. But the more practice you get in, the better your results will be.

In other words you will just have to be willing to go out there and practice switching off that part of your mind. The side of your brain causing you to worry about what you should say. The part of your mind causing you to worry about what you should do. The side of your mind that makes you doubt yourself when you want to kiss her. That part of your mind doesn't help you, it holds you back.

Talk to beautiful girls as much as you can and just find out what you need to do to stop over thinking stuff. Focus on switching off that side of your brain. By leaving your comfort zone, you can grow.

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